8 - I remember you.

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I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I'm actually proud of how this is story turning out. I've managed to put my thoughts into words and I'm glad alot of you are enjoying this as much as I. I remember I began writing this when I was super into Gumball, I'm not as into the fanbase as I was before but I still love it and I'm still rewatching episodes occasionally.

During the past month, Rob had begun hanging out with you and your band members in an attempt to jog your memories. The only thing to come of this was a few detached memories that managed to slowly creep back to you. That was fortunate, however, as you were beginning to remember his identity bit by bit. Even still, you hadn't remembered what he looked like. His voice sounded different too, he was definitely in the midst of puberty as his voice was cracking and breaking a lot, which was typical for someone his age.

Anyway, on this fine day you were hanging out with F/F/N, because she wanted to go to the mall. Mostly because she liked the milkshakes served in the food court. As you walked downtown with F/F/N, she began to gush about which flavour she thinks is superior and reccommending different flavours to you. You just nodded along as you walked, indifferent to the situation. "Oh! They also have a really nice Creme Brulee chiller, you should try it, it's to die for!" She said dramatically, which was not unusual as she loved all things theatre, acting and drama. (Honestly same, I have Drama as an elective and its the best)

Unfortunately, F/F/N had forgotten something at home. Her wallet. Embarrassed, she suggested you walked to her house together, there she would pick up her wallet and just drive the two of you to the mall. Once the two of you were finally in the mall, you hopped out and noticed one thing that was... Offputting. There you saw from afar, Rob, standing menacingly outside of a strange looking van. You recognised the van as the one that you'd obtained your mask from. He was holding a remote control. You didn't want to intervene, you'd known about his ambitions and heard the story of his distaste towards the Wattersons but you honestly couldn't help but dread the situations that could occur with him bending reality. You hastily made your way into the mall, not daring to look back as you honestly just hoped it was nothing.

Typically, F/F/N made a beeline toward the music store. There, she pointed out various instruments that caught her attention. The employee, who happened to not be Larry for once was actually a musical proffessional, and coincidentally your vocal coach who had also taught you to play the electric bass, saw you from across the room and swiftly made his way to you. "You're allowed to test them out, I know you don't have your own personal bass yet, right?" He asked, knowing that you wanted to be not only a vocalist but a bassist too. You had quick fingers that worked well with the piano, and you learned the ukulele as well. But you loved the bass over all, its deep hums as you strummed each chord, the vibrations that it emitted as you plucked at the strings, you couldn't help but be infatuated with the sound. The bass you picked up was a very agressive bass, it growled and snarled as you strummed and you loved the raspy sound it created.

After finalising your purchase with pay-wave, you walked outside, only to be greeted with absolute chaos. You didn't realise how much time you spent gushing over guitars until you realised you gave Gumball and Rob enough time to lash out and break into fight. It didn't take a genius to tell that they'd been at it for 10 odd minutes now. You sighed, clicking your tongue in annoyance as you watched them fight over the television remote. But you were more interested in the fact that there was entire god-damn TEAR IN THE FABRIC OF THE UNIVERSE. Another wave of electric rushed through you as your brain said.

'The void. You're the one who has the potential to change the future. If you can remember who Rob is, you can set him free from this dreaded curse. You can let him exist without fear.'

What was this cryptic message for? You have the potential to change the future? Exist without fear? 'Dreaded curse?' This sounded weirdly cliche to you, but nonetheless you went with it. Gumball slipped across the floor, making a squeaking noise. You cringed, expecting him to be affected with some kind of friction burn. He was extremely close to the gaping mouth of the void, the static inside taunting him as he almost got sucked in. Immediately, he charged toward Rob and the remote, accidentally kicking it and hitting the slow-mo button. Then attempting to fight Rob but failing drastically as their efforts were futile. The punches had no impact because well, force = mass x acceleration, and without the acceleration there was no way for the punches to enforce damage. Eventually, Gumball obtained the remote and pressed the off button at Rob, causing him to instantaneously fall to the ground limp.

Your mind and body couldn't process what you'd just witnessed, you stood still, paralyzed in fear and confusion as you let your thoughts take over.

"Ha! In your face!" Gumball shouted, before immediately recoiling and looking confused.

"Dude? Oh my gosh!" He ran over to Rob, who was still on the floor, frozen still.


"Talk to me Ralph!"

He continually called him the incorrect name, never once saying 'Rob'. At this point he was frantically yelling at him, pushing and prodding him in an attempt to bring him to consciousness.

"Oh, Rose..." He said as he pressed the button once more.

"THAT'S NOT EVEN A MAN'S NAME!" Rob immediately shot up, screaming in Gumball's face. Your eyes widened and you mouth went ajar. It was like Deja-vu. You've experienced this scene before. That quote.. Rob...

You remembered. Your memories began flooding through. You pulled open your phone, and swiped to a group selfie. There, slowly but surely, a picture of a blue cyclops began to fuzzily etch its way onto the image. It was Rob. You remembered everything.You needed to intervene, and quick, before something bad happened.

"Stop it!" You yelled, as Rob was ready to push Gumball into the void.

"Stop fighting! You're tearing apart the fabric of the universe! You don't know what you could be messing with! Its too dangerous, you imbeciles!" You yelled angrily, stepping between the two.
You then turned to face Rob directly. You pulled out your phone, unlocking it and opening the photo app to find the images. He stared at you blankly, trying to process what you were doing. Your presence flustered him, as he attempted to make a response but to no avail. He was too captivated by you, so luckily you were his weakness.

You shoved your phone in his face, his eye widened as he saw it. It was him. And you, and your friends. "I remember everything." You say, tearing up slightly. At this point, he didn't care about being the villain. At this point, he didn't want a major role. This was more important to him than anything. Someone remembered him, and it was the person he admired and adored the most.

Y/N L/N.

He ducked into a shop quickly, taking a pair of batteries and reparing the remote. He then rewound everything backwards to when you were in the parking lot. There, he destroyed the remote. F/F/N, who had been frozen in time was confused, but she also remembered who he was thanks to you. You ran up to Rob, who was crushing the remote under his foot. He didn't notice you until you glomped him, embracing him tightly because you were ecstatic.

He wasn't completely on board with it, but he managed to make some kind of amends with Gumball, even if he still didn't want to associate himself with the blue cat, he decided that if he wanted to give up being the bad guy, he kind of had to. From there on out, you decided just to hang out with him and F/F/N for the rest of the day, to relax and put your minds at ease. Finally, you remembered him.

Though, another situation arose from this. Your romantic attraction had further spiraled and planted its way into your hearts. You grew fonder and fonder of Rob by the second, your heart skipping a beat every time he said your name, your heart feeling a lovey-dovey pang everytime his voice cracked adorably. How would you confess? Immediately you remembered, your identity reveal was on Monday. Thats when you'll do it, and you had the perfect plan. You immediately texted the band group chat on Discord and integrated your plans into the original performance. This was perfect.

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