6 - Mandela effect

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According to www.healthline.com, "the Mandela effect is an unusual phenomenon where a large group of people remember something differently than how it occurred."

Three months. It has officially been three months since you came to Elmore, three months since you'd begun performing music for the school. And three months since... What? Something was wrong. Something is not right here at all. Scanning through your friend group, you saw B/F/N, F/F/N, M/F/N and... No one else. Your head pounded as you tried to remember who could be missing, and yet your brain kept telling you that you were forgetting something."Guys.. Do you also feel that there was a.. fifth person with us? Like.. I can't remember there ever being one, but there just has to be.. right?" The three looked at you, their eyes widening as they all piped in at once. "Thats just what I was thinking!" They said in unison.

"But who could it be...." You trailed off as you saw someone across the room. He looked out of place. He looked so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. Like someone you once knew, someone you've met before. But who was he? You didn't dare make contact, he looked mad. His body glitched and his pupil was split into two, kind of like two cells in the midst of mitosis, his yellow eye made eye contact with you, and you felt a strange electric shock course through your body. 'His name is Rob', your brain told you. That name, it felt familiar. You turned to your friends, still in shock from what just happened.

"Did you guys feel that? Did you guys hear that?" They looked at you, and slowly nodded.

"The electric shock?" M/F/N asked, the rest of you nodded at him.

"The disembodied voice saying that his name is 'Rob'?" F/F/N asked, her eyes flickering between the three of you.

"Yeah... it must be him and yet... I don't remember him at all. But it feels so familiar, its on the tip of my brain, maybe we need to find some kind of activation to remember who he is exactly and how we met him.." You began to scroll through images on your phone, noticing that in each group selfie there were bits of distortion and slight static on some parts. Static like on his body.  "Guys.. look.. its like someone was edited out, like he was..."

You trailed off, looking at the cyclops. You remembered a rumor, you'd only heard it once from Mr Small. At first, you assumed it to be false but this seemed to be proof of it. The Void. Where mistakes went to get erased from existence and everyone's memories. 

"....Erased from existence..."

Rob X Singer! Reader (Let Me Sing For You)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu