Chapter One, A strange wander.

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All nations have rich history, and the Dream Smp was no different. You'd be walking down the old and broken path, the wood under you breaking and cracking with every step as the roots and weeds nested their way in. Prime Path, long forgotten after the village of people moved away. The earth started to take back its land as the grass and flowers started to grow over it, barely even visible now. It's been maybe thirty or forty years since someone has walked the path. As you start to head up a very steep hill you hear some music coming from the top.

As you reach the top of the hill, you stumble across a dark oak wood bench sitting on the edge of a cliff. Seemingly untouched by nature unlike the houses that stood behind it. A small tree growing over the bench casting a shadow over it, almost like it was protecting the spot from mother nature.

You'd glance over to where you heard the music playing, right next to the left side of the bench was an old and rusty jukebox. A tune on repeat, Able sisters, such a light hearted song made the area feel more lively. Like the village hadn't been abandoned by its creators.

You'd move your head to the tune feeling a smile grow on your face, walking up to the jukebox you'd see a Sign, a Wooden sign that rested in front of the Jukebox, words engraved into the wood. But like everything else, the weeds started to take it over and the ink started to dry and disappear. Squinting your eyes you were barely able to read 'May this forever play in our hearts.' And now that you noticed, the tune never did stop playing. On repeat for almost 40 years only having the wanderers pass by it like you to hear it.

Such a small area rich with history. Telling the story of betrayal, family, friendship and consequences. But no one would know if they hadn't been there when it happened. So wanderer, as you take your seat on the bench listening to the lovely upbeat tune. Let me tell you a story on how a bench would decide the fate on whether a nation would rise or fall.

Let me tell you the story of Tommy and Tubbo.


The sun was starting to set, the towers surrounding the Dream Smp casting a large shadow over Manberg and the surrounding houses. Tommy sat on the dark oak wood bench, a shell shocked look on his face. His hands clasped together lost deep in thought as he tried to wrap his head around what had happened. Wilbur had gone fucking insane, Tommy knew that the past few weeks had been rough on Wilbur. It had been rough on the whole group of Pogtopia! They had been banished, disowned by the ones they love, forced into hiding as their close friends hunted them down. It was only a matter of time before someone had lost it. Wilbur wanted to blow up Manberg, and Tommy wasn't sure how to stop him.

To the blond haired boy, it felt like the world was falling under him. His leader, the person he has always looked up to! His president,,, Had lost it. While on the other hand. Tubbo sat down on the left side of the bench, his tie undone and his hair ruffled up, bathing in the sun as he started to relax.

Today had gone wonderful for the treasury of State, Manberg was having a festival! And he was in charge up setting it up, he would write the speeches, set up the games, and finally let his people relax and have a drink. Everything was going great Tubbo, well until Tommy called him. Asking him in a quiet and hushed voice to meet up at the bench as soon as possible. Tubbo looked over to him, Tommy's classic Red and white shirt stained with dirt from Pogtopia, his hand bandaged from fighting with techno, a band-aid resting on his nose for fashion. "So, What's up?" Tubbo asked, worry filling his voice as he focused all attention on his friend. Something was clearly wrong.

"Wilburs f-fucking lost it." Tommy stuttered out, looking straight forward at the land in front of him. Feeling Tubbos worried gaze.

"What do you mean?" Tubbo would ask, his brow frowning as he stared at Tommy.

"I mean he wants to- He wants to do some really bad things.'' Tommy had stopped himself mid sentence, he trusted Tubbo with his life and soul but he knew if he told the boy about what Wilbur was planning he would tell Shlatt. Not to be against his leader or his best friend, but to help his friends and people from getting hurt. He'd finally look over a Tubbo, staring at the brown haired boy in the black suit. Locking eyes with him as they sat in silence.

"Tommy. Tell me what's going on." Tubbo demanded, worried for his friend and his leader. He had known there was a lot of inner conflict between Pogtopia but he didn't think it was bad enough for Tommy not to trust Techno or Wilbur, his own brothers! Something was wrong, very wrong.

"I-.. I can't tell you Tubbo. You just have to believe me. Wilbur's gone insane."

"Why can't you tell me Tommy?.."

"I just- can't Tubbo. If i could, i would b-but.. It's too much of a risk."

Tommy would bow his head, staring back down at the grass under the bench. Kicking at the dirt, not wanting to look Tubbo in the eyes anymore. Not wanting to see the disappointed look on his best friend's face.

"It's because I work with Shlatt isn't it..."


"Here give me a second. I need to grab something."

Tubbo would stand up, wondering out of Tommy's view. walking over to Tommy's old house which wasn't that far away from the bench but still far enough so Tommy wouldn't know what he was grabbing. Tubbo would walk through the broken doors, quickly running over the magma that traced the floor.

He couldn't stay in the abandoned house for long. Scared the walls would collapse on him as bits and pieces of them fell from the roof. He would finally find the hidden room, pressing a button as the door opened up for him. Showing off a barely lit room with a glowing ender chest in the middle of it, the chest giving off a purple like glow.

The eye would look up at Tubbo not having seen a person since the Dream Smp War had started weeks before. Tubbo would walk up to the chest, slowly opening it reaching in as he grabbed a music disc, it was much more than a music disc in Tommy and Tubbos eyes. It's what had started the war of L'Manberg, what Tommy had to give away to finally get independence for his Country.After being sold around the nation it had finally fallen back into Tubbo's hands. Mellohi. A smirk would grow on Tubbos face, if Tommy couldn't tell him what was going on then he'd try and cheer the boy up instead.

So Tubbo quickly got out of the ruined and abandoned house and jogged back over to his friend. Smiling so bright it would blind anyone who looked at him. His hands behind his back as he hid the disc from Tommy's view.

"Tommy, i may not know what's going on. But one thing I know that helps me when i'm stressed.. Is some nice music."

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