I smile as I look up at the comet. "Hey, I got some candle" Care says holding out a box of candles. I take one and light it using her lit candle. I see Matt light Elena's and she then lit Stefan's.

"You know, that comet...it's been traveling across space for thousands of years. All alone" I tell Caroline and she groans.

"Enough talk, tonight is suppose to be fun" she tells me.

"Fine, I'm gonna go talk to Tyler" I tell her. We go over to him and I lean against his car. Elena, Bonnie and Matt join us. "So where's Vicki tonight? I thought she was released from hospital" I say confused.

"She was and why not ask Jeremy Gilbert, her stalker" he tells me. "Speak of the devil" he says as Jeremy walks over to us. Jeremy asks us if we've seen Vicki.

"I just asked Tyler, he said to ask you" I tell him.

"I can't find her" Jeremy tells us.

"She probably found somebody else to party with. Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced" Tyler tells him. I hit Tyler's arm giving him a pointed look.

"What's with the pill pusher?" Elena asks confused.

"Ask him" Tyler says pointing to Jeremy.

"You wanna do this right now?" I ask him. As Elena asks her little brother if he's dealing.

"She's never gonna go for you" Tyler tells Jeremy ignoring my question.

"She already did. Over and over and over again" Jeremy tells him.

"You slept with Vicki Donovan? I mean, Vicki Donovan slept with you?" Care asks him shocked.

"Not the point Caroline" I tell her.

"You know what, how about all of you shut up and help me find my sister?" Matt tells us.

"We'll check the back" Bonnie and I tell him.

"I'll check the square" he states.

"I'll come with you" Jeremy tells him.

"Oh, no, no, no. You are coming with me" Elena tells him. We split up and begin our search for Vicki. She soon returns on her own though, saying Stefan found her on the roof of some building with her stitches ripped. So Bonnie, Care and I go to the grill for a drink.

"Ugh, it's just so much drama. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?" Care asks us.

"Yeah" we say.

"Excuse me, hi" Stefan says appearing at our table. "Um, have you guys seen Elena?" he asks us.

"I think she went home" Bonnie tells him.

"I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number and her email. She is big on texting, and you can tell her...'I said so'" I say writing them down. I hand them to Bonnie who hands them to Stefan.

"Thank you" he says. Bonnie touches Stefan's hand and I notice she has a vision. "You ok?" Stefan asks her.

"What happened to you? That's so rude. I'm sorry. Excuse me" Bonnie says and leaves. I go after her. Her powers are starting to emerge. I drive her home. "Thanks Estel" she says.

"You're welcome, I'm here if you ever need to talk" I tell her. She smiles and gets out of the car. She goes inside and I have a flash of Caroline in danger. I drive home fast ignoring the speed limit. I speed up to her room and throw Damon off of her with magic. "You shouldn't of gone after my little sister vampire" I sneer glaring at him.

"You're a witch" he says shocked.

"And you pissed me off" I tell him as I start to pop blood vessels in his brain.

"Wait" he groans as he falls to the ground holding his head.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't reveal you to my mother and have you killed" I tell him.

"I won't touch Caroline again" he tells me.

"You won't, you'll only hurt more innocent people like Vicki and those campers" I sneer. "How about a deal?" I ask letting him go and he sighs in relief. "You feed on me, but leave everyone else in town alone. You make my sister forget tonight" I tell him.

"What do you get out of it?" he asks me as he stands up.

"I only want my sister safe, besides I'm of more use to you then her and she's a minor" I tell him.

"Fine, but you'd have to do everything I say little witch" he tells me.

"Sounds fair, but if you break your side of the deal. I will put you down" I tell him.

"Deal" he says and heals Caroline. Then makes her forget meeting him and him feeding on her. Saying she'd walked in on him and me. I then lead him to my room and remove my jacket.

"I guess you're still hungry" I say as I grab my nightgown.

"Yes" he says flashing his eyes.

"Let me change and you can feed" I tell him. I go to the bathroom and change. I sit on the bed and he sits beside me. He bites into my neck not being gentle and I gasp in pain. I soon black out as he lays me on the bed.


Picture above of the comet.

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