Entry 35

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I rode in turbid silence to my apartment building. The alcohol gone from my system, I stewed over the last forty-eight hours. With all the torture and shocking revelations, I couldn't help but think Richard and I were more similar than I ever thought. Maybe he was a sociopath. Maybe he did the best he could under the circumstances. Maybe I did too. No. Doing your best isn't allowing your only daughter to be taken and altered for your own personal gain. I don't care how screwed up you are. I could feel the heat rising as my hands began to shake. I reached for my only solace. Shaking the bottle, I had but a third of it left. This was not good. Nothing about this was good. I was supposed to have another day to plan, another day, to foresee any potential flaws or weaknesses, but that wasn't going to happen. I shook five pills into my palm and downed them.

As the orange goodness made its way into my system, I hashed out a new plan. Mia and I would go to my apartment just long enough for me to alter the cameras and grab a few things. We would then drive to Mo's apartment in San Jose. I wasn't sure how Mo would react upon seeing his newly improved friend resurrected from the dead, but at this point, it didn't matter. I was putting all my eggs in one basket, and it needed to be an impenetrable basket.

"What's going on?" Mia stirred groggily from the backseat.

"You just took a little nap," I consoled, gazing in the rearview mirror at her confused expression. "They took samples, but you're safe," I continued as she sat upright.

"Where are we going?" she stammered, hands massaging her forehead.

"We're going to my loft to grab a few things. We won't be there long."

Mia nodded over and over as if each gesture yielded greater confidence.

As we neared my building, I pulled in front of the thick steel gate.

"And you thought I was paranoid," Mia aired.

I grinned. "Seems you've gotten your sense of humor back."

The gate sprung to life and I inched forward to the muscled guard.

"Hi," I smiled more so than usual. "Could you please watch this car while we run upstairs? We won't be but ten minutes."

The guard nodded, 'Not a problem, Ms. Brown, have a wonderful evening."

I handed Mia's key card to the man. "Thank you, we will be back soon."

I waved and took Mia by the hand. We marched through the beefed-up glass sliding doors and through the lobby.

"Good evening, ladies," the familiar front desk man smiled sweetly.

"Good evening, Ryan," I called briskly as we moved to the elevators.

I placed my hand on the screen and it lit up.

"How can you afford to live here?" Mia whispered.

"Perks of the job," I shrugged.

We rose to the penthouse floor by floor. I tapped on the elevator walls impatiently. Too long. The door finally opened and I rushed, placing my hand yet again on the screen. It shined green as the door did its familiar click. I opened it briskly.

As soon as Mia entered, I moved her to the dark corner. "You have to stay here. This is the only blind spot and I need them to see me alone. Just wait here, okay? I will get everything in order."

Mia nodded but her expression screamed reproach. I turned to go but Mia whispered harshly. "Jennifer, I mean Alexandra..." I stopped the false name ringing in my ears. I turned and walked towards her.

"I don't want to be alone," she pleaded.

I met her gaze, the desperation in her eyes seared into my own. I grabbed her hand. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise." As much as I needed those stupid orange pills for sanity, I knew with every fiber of my being that I would protect Mia no matter the cost.

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