ii. Keys To The Kingdom

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     "Isn't this a little much?" asked Kleo, the next day, outside of Bargain Castle

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"Isn't this a little much?" asked Kleo, the next day, outside of Bargain Castle. There in front of her was a luxurious limousine which could only be her ride to Auradon. An assembled crowd of louts, toughs, and goons (otherwise known as the population of the island) had crowded themselves around the automobile. Kleo was astounded that a riot hadn't broken out yet because of it.

It wasn't long until Evie, Carlos, and Jay fought their way through the crowds, each holding a different expression at the limo. A man in all black, with an earpiece and blacked out shades climbed out of the driver's seat and stationed himself in front of them. Kleo raises her eyebrow and gives her friends a look, smirking at the melodramatic man who looked more like a club bouncer than a limo driver.

A loud bang came from Bargain Castle. Kleo guessed it was Mal, making a dramatic appearance, grumbling about something Kleo could care less about as she joined them. Suddenly, the limo driver clapped his hands together, gaining everyone's attention.

"It seems that everyone has accepted Prince Ben's invitation," he said. "I will be escorting you all to Auradon Prep. Prince Ben will be at the entrance of the school to welcome you." He then popped the trunk with a pair of keys. He motioned for all of them to place their bags and they all complied. "And, please, when you get in the limo," he pauses, glaring at all of them behind his shades. "leave everything how you found it."

The five descendants all give each other devious smirks as the limo driver opens the door for them to climb inside. Kleo finds herself sandwiched between Jay and Evie. The limo starts to move as soon as they're comfortable.

In many jars and bowls were various candies out in front of them. Upon seeing it, Jay and Carlos immediately start fighting over who gets the first pick. Kleo turns her nose up at the candy, not particularly buying it. Not even when Mal and Evie start to dig in themselves―Evie biting into a stick of blue hard candy while Mal popped rainbow covered chocolate into her mouth.

While eating her candy, Mal began to sift through all the electronics under the candy bar. She pulled out a remote from the bunch and started pressing all the buttons to see what each one did.

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