o. Spirit, Prologue

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    There was no big ceremony when Kleo was born

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    There was no big ceremony when Kleo was born. And with no grand ceremony, she was also born with no title. Instead, Kleo was born on an island far away from her parents' homeland. The island she lived on was called the Isle of The Lost, home to some of the most legendary villains' history has ever seen. And her father was one of them. He was the reason why her family was dumped there. Her father is Scar, the previous king of the Pride Lands, the one responsible for his older brother Mufasa's murder, and the one responsible for his own downfall.

     But Kleo doesn't blame her father for a life-long punishment on a stuffy island, no. She, and everyone else who lived on the Isle of The Lost, can point fingers at king Adam of the United States of Auradon. A neighboring kingdom that was home to every kind of do-gooder, prince and princess, sidekick, and good fairy alike. And the only time Auradon acknowledged the isle, it was to send all of the spoiled, rotten, or leftover food they throw away there; every piece of clothing they didn't want; every broken electronic; every tube of old lipstick; everything the people Auradon didn't want gets shipped over to the Isle of The Lost.

     Isle of The Lost. More like Isle of The Leftovers.

     When the isle was first created, king Adam had every villain that been defeated resurrected and thrown on the isle. Like for example, Scar was one of them. He was eaten alive by his own stupid, cackling henchmen―the spotted hyenas that lived in the Shadow Lands. And with his demise, his reign went, literally, up in flames and was overthrown by his nephew, her cousin, Simba.

     But Kleo could care less about Auradon because life on the isle wasn't so bad. Kleo and her family were openly feared on the isle. Well, aside from the evil fairy Maleficent, Mistress of all Evil, the self-proclaimed ruler of the isle. As if! That fairy was only chosen because the people of the isle are cowards. It didn't even matter that there was an election for who will lead the people of the Isle of The Lost. Of course, Maleficent was on the ballot, but there was also the Evil Queen and Scar recommended to lead. But that didn't matter. Maleficent always got what she wanted. Whatever. It's not like she can truly do anything bad to anyone anymore. The magical dome that surrounded the isle kept magic out and everyone in. So, anyone who possessed magical powers were merely humans now―Maleficent included.

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