Chapter 2. Saluting Ceremony The First Lecture

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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." When most people think of the word "beauty", visual images usually come to mind. Whether it be a beautiful sunset or beautiful eyes, it is something our society tends to associate with the physical aspects of reality.-Criminal minds 


Today our Lectures begin  The Salute Ceremony is starting soon.  Let's just say I'm at the back of the room. If I fall asleep no one will notice. Wei Wuxian my brother is kinda late. my brother dragged me to the seat in front of him I wanted to run back to the back but he stopped me. "Payback' he said with a smirk. "Xian I'm gonna.." The Ceremony started. 

"The natural world is the origin of everything. Devotion to the principles of the Lan plays a Decisive role. the clear reason, inquire doubt, state opinions, summarize wits. The four should admonish you " Then we all bow after Lan Qi Ren finishes the sentence and we say "Yes. Master"  and do another bow with our palms out instead and then we bow again and sit. and then bow on the floor. and stand again. and then we can be seated. 

3'500 Lan Principles. God.....Damn.I thought to myself. "Don't take crooked ways." as the Lecture went on i became more and more bored. One rule was to change Clothing after showing no duh..wait some people don't do that gross...I could tell my brother was getting bored he was yawning and stretching. That's will draw attention. I heard a bird I pinpointed it to a man. He looked concerned.. he's so cute.

My brother said something to him

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My brother said something to him. I looked at the man to see him show a secret bird...AWW.. was my thought. I almost said it but stopped myself. I heard the man say it was a Canary I looked back to the front quickly to not draw attention but I was almost smiling. They were still talking.  kinda distracting me from this brilliant lecture...Sarcasm. I'm still mad I have to sit in front of my brother and Jiang in front of me.....

One man came to the front of the room "Im Jin Zixuan from the Jin clan of Lanling"...I kinda just toned out for a second because I'm just staring off into space. WAIT Yanli is engaged to this guy. I toned back in when he game the Master something... I should learn to listen. I looked at Yanli lovesick-looking puppy when they are in the same room or even look at each other.. is what I think anyway.Ok, I vow to get those too in a relationship. Xian said something I didn't hear but I smacked him on the head with my fan without turning around. "Stop you too," Yanli said looking at us." idiot," I said looking at him he knows what I mean...

"The Nie Clan of Qinghe is Saluting" I saw the man with the bird get ready he set the bird down...A man behind him who I didn't notice picked up their gift to give him the guy carrying the gift is kinda my opinion. "Nie Huaisang from the Nie Clan of Qinghe here to visit the grandmaster" he bowed so that's bird man's name." To represent the Nie Clan I present the Dark red sand Elixir pot," he said the man holding the gift kinda looks shy..The man holding it is named Meng Yao. 

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