Chapter 24: The Weapon's Fight Continues. What Matters is the Will to Fight.

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I'm back again with a new chapter! Look forward for tons of actions between Jyin and Hisui. I don't own Soul Eater, just my OC's.

Currently, Jyin and Hisui are sparring in a local forest to prepare for the upcoming battle against the DWMA. However, the training turns serious as Hisui uses 'Hand Cannon' against Jyin which sends him fly across the forest. Jyin is not only trying to stay conscious, but also keeps his balance by swaying around and trying to feel for the ground. Eventually, Jyin's feet hits the ground and he begins to skid across the ground. After a few seconds, Jyin finally made a complete stop.

"I was sent quite a distance away." Jyin said as he took notice of the turned over ground from where he planted his feet on. "My front hurts a bit too."

As he walks forward, Jyin hears the faint sound of running ahead of him and he smiles. Hisui is coming and is now in Jyin's view.

"Well, if weapon abilities are allowed, I should use mine!" Jyin says as he slowly raises his arms.

Even from a distance, Hisui could see that Jyin's making his move. As Hisui runs forwards, she turns her forearms into jade in preparation for her opponent's counter attack. Once Hisui gets in range, Jyin let's swipes his arms.

"Horizontal Slash: Komori!"

Hisui knows this attack well and raises her arms. The attack was so strong, that it slices through the ground, the edge of the surrounding trees, and Hisui's unprotected legs. Still, Hisui didn't halt and is now inches away from Jyin. She raises her armored fist and aims it towards Jyin who's fist is raised as well.

"There's no way you can overpower my attack now!" Hisui yells.


Jyin collides Hisui's armored punch with his own punch, but the difference between the two attacks is obvious. Upon impact, Jyin's knuckles bled immediately due to hitting Hisui's armor. Not only that, but the collision also fractures two of his fingers.

"Told you." Hisui said as she heard Jyin's knuckles crack.

Jyin growls and attacks Hisui with his knee which she catches in her other hand. Once she done so, Hisui realizes that the previous attack was just a fake to keep her opposite hand occupied, but it was too late.

"Don't underestimate me." Jyin growls. "Not that it matters from this point on."

Jyin raises his arm and slams his fist into Hisui's stomach. Once in contact, Hisui's strength softens and is sent to the ground along with Jyin's fist.

"You said weapon abilities are allowed, right?" Jyin asks as he looks down at Hisui. "I better not hear complaints from you from this point on."

Hisui jumps up from the ground and spits out the blood in her mouth.

"Just try and take me out." Hisui challenges as she turns her arms into armor.

Jyin jumps backwards and then pounces upwards and punches Hisui rapidly from above. Normally, a punch from a normal person wouldn't reach Hisui, but this isn't any ordinary barrage.

"Mach Missiles!"

"Mach Missiles!"

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