Chapter 26

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Draco came back to the Malfoy Manor a few hours later.
He knocked on your door for hours but you didn't respond once.
You felt asleep crying.
Your mascara was stained on your face.
Your hair was a mess.
You were the saddest you've ever been.

You couldn't even cry anymore you were just numb.

But you somehow managed to take a shower, brush your teeth and get dressed for the day.
You decided to owl Hermione on what happened.
"Hey Hermione... It's y/n. I had the worst thing happen to me yesterday. Draco cheated on me with Pansy. I have so many thoughts bouncy through my head. I miss you and Harry and Ron. With all love, y/n." you sent the letter off.
You open the door and smell food.
You were super hungry.
But Narcissa and Luscious hadn't came home yet so the only person who could be cooking was Draco.
You started to tear up just thinking about him.
You love him but also hate him at the same time.
"How could he do this to me." you thought.

You had to leave this house.
It was dreadful.
You almost managed to sneak down the stairs without any notice until you sneezed.
Draco's head shot up and both of your eyes met.
You immediately looked away and put on some shoes to head outside.
Draco was about to talk to you until you went outside and shut the door.
It was cold outside.
But the only hoodie you had was Draco's and you weren't going to put that on.
Letting the cold wind hit your wet face covered in tears felt good.
You walked to the tree house where you and Draco used to go as kids.
There was a broom that Draco left down there so you went on in and got up on the tree house.
You missed the innocent time in your life.
It was peaceful and unproblematic.
You missed being a kid.
A kid who was never sad.
A kid with no worries.
You missed your parents.

You cried as you realized all you have lost.
But then you hear a creak on the deck of the tree house.
You turned around and it was...

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