Chapter 25

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You walk with Cedric to the jewelry store he saw Draco go into.
You get there and you and Cedric both open the door and come in.
You saw the worst damn thing you've seen in your life.
It hurt worse than you and Cedric breakup.
It hurt worst than being Avada Kedavraed by Pansy.
It hurt worse than finding out your parents were death eaters.

Pansy was kissing Draco.
Your Draco.
The Draco that promised his love to you and only you.
The Draco that you've been best friends with for years.
The Draco who you loved and cared for.
She took him and he let her.
You just stood there in shock.
"How could be do this to me? Why would he? Does he even love me? Does he love her?" These we're all the thoughts racing in your head.
Cedric was in shock too.
You started to cry.
The hardest you ever cried.
And Draco finally came up for air from the kiss.
And saw you.
He started to run towards you.
But you took of the emerald ring he gave you and you chunked it at his head.
You ran out of the store and Draco followed you.
"Y/N! STOP PLEASE." Draco said.
You didn't listen he wasn't owed your time.
You ran not knowing where to go.
You had no where.
No one.

You just went to the Malfoy Manor.
You didn't care anymore.

It seemed no one was home but you had a key.
So you let yourself in and no one was home.
You wondered where Narcissa and Luscious were but you just headed up to the guest bedroom and bawled your eyes out.

A few minutes later you heard a knock at the door.
You wiped away your tears and cleared your voice because you thought it might've been Narcissa or Luscious and you didn't want them dealing with your drama.
But it was Dobby.
"Y/n are you okay? Do you need a friend?" Dobby said sweetly.
You let Dobby in and hugged him.
You told him everything.
Dobby cared, Dobby even started to tear up.
"I'm very sorry for Mr.Malfoy's actions." Dobby said sadly.
"It's not your fault Dobby." You said smiling.
"If you don't mind I have to go attend to the Malfoy's..." Dobby said.
"Of course not Dobby where are they anyway."you said.
"Dobby cannot say..." Dobby says.
"oh well um have a nice day Dobby." You say confused as dobby vanishes right infront of you.

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