Chapter 47

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A/N: Hey everyone! I am so happy that my story has 9k reads<333 I just wanted to thank you all sm:) And I have a question for you guys, should I do a smut scene? Some readers have mentioned it before and i've decided if you guys want one then I shall give haha👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Just comment on this chapter with a "yes" or "no"<3


Draco and you apparated to this tree house.
You recognized it from when you were kids.
Draco notices you looking around in it and says "It's wonderful isn't it?" with a big smile.

"Yeah it is..." you say turning around looking at him.

"Draco what was that back there?" you ask.

"Death eaters." he says looking down, almost looking ashamed.

"Why were you hugging death eaters Draco?!" you ask demandingly.

"Listen Y/n I don't expect you to understand any of this but I can't explain it right now." he says getting quite close to you.

You can feel his stare piercing through you, waiting for you to reply.

"Why not? Why can't I have the answers Draco?!" you say starting to get angry.
All of this death eater talk makes you start to remember your parents. How you haven't got any answers about what happened to them. How you had just given up. It hurt. Draco starts to see your eyes getting watery and walks up to you.

"Don't cry please..." he says lifting up your chin to look at him.

A single tear drops down your face but he wipes it.

When Draco wiped your tear all you could think about was his hand on your face. You missed him. You missed being more than friends. You wanted to kiss him so bad. You realized right then and there that you'll always love Draco Malfoy.

"Draco I lov-" you started to tell Draco you love him but you were interrupted by a girl coming up to the treehouse.

"Dracooo! Dracoo!" you heard this girl say.

"Astoria!" Draco says looking down.

You've never heard him shout a name with such excitement other than yours.

"You should come up and meet Y/n! She's one of my friends." he says looking at you smiling and then looking back down at her.

"Okay that sounds amazing!" she says as she flies up here with her broom.

"Hello.." you say softly, holding out your hand for her to shake.

"Hello! Draco's told me so much about you!" Astoria says pulling you in for a hug.

You put on a fake smile and hug her back.
Your eyes follow her as she walks up to Draco and kisses him on the cheek.
You wanted to burst into tears right there.

"I'm not feeling too good. I think i'm just gonna inside and lie down if that's alright with you Draco." you say softly.

"Yeah of course Y/n. If you need anything i'll be up here with Astoria." he says smiling softly.

You could tell this wasn't some act to make you jealous.
"Does Draco really love this girl?" you though to yourself while walking inside.

You went to Draco's room and just sat on his bed crying.


You woke up to the sound of music and a bunch of other noises.
You realized it was the party.

"Shit I told Draco i'd be there." you say to yourself getting out of bed.

You look at the floor and see your trunk with all your clothes.
"Draco must've put them in here. Oh gosh I hope he didn't see the mascara stains on my face." you thought to yourself.

You get dressed into this amazing gorgeous dress. It was a black and purple ombré dress and it was beautiful. You wore black heels with it and you felt so powerful.

You kept your hair down and re-did your makeup.
When you walked downstairs you felt many eyes staring at you. You saw a couple of people from Hogwarts, even Hermione!

You walk over to Hermione and say hello. You haven't talked to her for a long time for some reason. It always felt like they were busy. I mean they were always saving the wizarding world.

"Is it just you here?" you asked Hermione.
"No not at all! Ginny is here aswell. And me and her had to force Harry and Ron to come since they down really like Malfoy that much." she said smiling.

"But I heard that this was going to be an amazing party! So I just knew they'd love it!" she says enthusiastically.

"Well did the party live up to it rumors?" you ask laughing.

"See for yourself." she says pointing to Harry and Ron doing the only muggle thing that's at this party, beer pong. They were playing it with Draco and Blaise.

"Wow I guess so, Id never think i'd see them four doing anything together!" you say laughing.

You and Hermione continue talking until you here a bunch of cheering. You see that Draco and Blaise have won. You also see Astoria coming up to Draco putting chapstick on.

"Is she going to kiss him?" you thought to yourself.
You run up to Draco and kiss him before she could.
Draco doesn't pull away he actually deepens the kiss.
You pull away and look up at him smiling.

"Draco Malfoy.. I'll always love you." you say to him.

He kisses you again and says "I'll always love you too Mrs. Malfoy."

Him calling you Mrs.Malfoy gave you so many butterflies in your stomach.

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