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"... So if any of you need addiction help, feel free to contact me as a peer who can help you." I concluded my presentation. I noticed how many of my peers were vaping, smoking, and who knows what, and I wanted to help them.

Drugs can seriously damage your life, and if anyone, I would know. I was addicted to alcohol at one point, and almost died of a bleeding esophagus because I drank so much. Once I woke up at the hospital, I realized the reality of my situation. I was very lucky. I went through withdrawal with a bit of help from a therapist and now am 10 months clean. And now I want to help others.

After school, I got a text telling me that a person needed help with their addiction. They also said that they would be at the park at 8:00 pm. I wanted to help this person, even though they didn't say what exactly they were addicted too.

My parents were completely fine with this. They understood the struggle, so they let me stay up late. Let's just say that I grew up with 2 parents who were on withdrawal and then hooked onto yet another drug. 

As soon as I arrived at the park, I saw someone I didn't expect to be there.

Malcolm Pace.

He needed help? I mean, everyone in school knew he was a party freak and did drugs, but he wanted to stop? I guess that made sense, but at the same time, it didn't.

"You're probably wondering why I asked for help, aren't you." Malcolm said in a surprisingly calm voice.

"Y-yeah. I am. A-anyways, what drugs are you addicted too?"

"Well, uh, alcohol and e-cigarettes. A-and you." Wow, that beginning made sense, but the end was very bold, and it worked perfectly in everyone's favor. 

"This is perfect! That means you have a drive!"

"Huh?" Oh, right. He wouldn't understand what just said. 

"Well, if you like me enough to do anything for me, then you might actually stick with the withdrawal program!" Here was my plan. Every week that he was off drugs (starting off as using them less and less), I would go on a date with him. And it worked. Malcolm was now 4 years clean!

Now to help him with his addiction to me...

lol the ending of this is stoopidz.

I just want to say that if you are dealing with a drug issue then ask for help. It has been getting worse in quarantine, and that really isn't a good thing. I'm learning about drugs in my health class, so I guess I got the inspo from there.

The bleeding throat thing, well, it's true. We had to watch a documentary about alcohol (the drug we are learning about rn) and a girl who was addicted to alcohol and had a layer of her esophagus basically dissolved by alcohol and it was bleeding.

Oh, and the quitting thing of having drive isn't something we learned, but another person in the documentary had that story so I just used that idea.

If you have any ideas/requests, feel free to leave them in the comments.

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt