A/N (sorry for this again)

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So I know it would be better if I posted these longer oneshots as one whole thing, but I just can't. The longer the part takes to write, the more unmotivated I am to write it. Trust me, I've tried.

If you've noticed, all the oneshots that are my own are pretty short, and there is a reason for that. I give up on things too fast. I'll write the beginning and plan all the twists and everything, but feel super unmotivated to actually write the rest.

I have so many oneshots I haven't written for all my books because of this. It would be easier for me if I did it in parts. I'm sorry for everyone who wants/wanted the oneshots as wholes, but I just can't.

I hope you understand, and I'm sorry for posting 2 authors notes right after one another. If you want, for all the longer oneshots, I'll have an emoji or something to point out if you're quickly scrolling to show that it's part of this longer story.

Btw, if you're wondering why there are so many small paragraphs, I simply can't read long paragraphs well without reading words wrong, misspelling words in my head, adding words that aren't there, and simply skipping lines without noticing.

Again, sorry I can't write the entire oneshot as a whole.

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now