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This is yet another one by @Sotamshipper24 so yeah. BTW I know you hate when you mess up for the puppy to owl thing so I did it for you (if you don't understand, that's ok.)


(Y/N)'s POV

"Pssst! Hey, Percy, Tyson!" I whisper-shouted.

Tyson was on the bunk next to mine, on top of Percy's bed. Once I ensured that he was sound asleep, I snuck down the stairs and out the door.I ran to the cliff near my cabin. I let my legs dangle over the edge, and I looked down.

Why hasn't Malcolm talked to me lately? My best friend since forever has been ignoring me these past few weeks, and I haven't been able to figure out why. Whenever I tried to talk to him, he'd always make a bad excuse and run away before I could reply.

I sighed defeatedly. It killed me to see my crush run away from me. Yes, I have a crush on Malcolm Pace. He was cute, smart, kind, sweet, and just amazing in every way shape and form. He's always been there for me and without him I feel like there's something big missing.   Loneliness and despair filled me.

"Is there something wrong with me? Am I a freak? Is that why he ran away from me? Am I too ugly? Am I not good enough? What is it?" I murmured to myself.  I'd been thinking these things since Malcolm started ignoring me.

Percy doesn't care, neither does Poseidon, who's full of empty words. He said that I was his favorite daughter. But he's never spoken to me, never reached out, Tyson was too young to understand. A monster killed my mother, and the rest of the campers think that I'm a freak, a murderer.   They even hung it on a banner on top of my bunk before. Luckily, I took it down before anyone could notice.

Is that what this is about? Did Malcolm believe them? Tears burned my eyes and my nose stung.   Why am I even alive? If even Malcolm believes them then I am a murderer. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I cried my eyes out.   I stared at the cliff.

I felt angry at the myself. I was a monster. Why don't you just jump off a cliff? They suggested. That way you won't be a burden anymore. I made a decision. I stood up, and walked about 10 metres (about 33 ft for my American folks) back, away from the cliff. Then, I took off in a run, bracing myself, getting ready to jump back to my father, into the sea, where I always felt at home.

The cliff was a about a 300 metres (almost 1000 ft) high. I knew that if I jumped off the cliff at this height, when I hit the water, the impact would be as big as if I were falling into cement.   I was about two metres (a bit more than 6 ft) away from the edge of the cliff when I heard someone scream 'No!' and something hit my side, sending me hurtling sideways, my head colliding with a rock.

"(N/N)!" was all I heard before everything went black.


Malcolm's POV

It was about 1 in the morning, and I looked out the window, which was conveniently next to my bunk and facing Cabin 3, giving me a direct view of (Y/N)'s bed, to watch her sleep again (it's not stalking it's observing!) I've been doing it on a nightly basis this few weeks, ever since I've been ignoring her, I've been checking up on her, making sure she's okay.

Today, I looked out the window, and realized that she isn't in bed.  My mind filled with dread. The cliff behind her cabin. Whenever she was upset, she always goes to the cliff behind her cabin.  I got out of bed, still in my PJ's, and snuck out of my cabin, careful not to wake any of my siblings. I hid behind the bushes near the cliff, and saw (Y/N) walking about 33 feet backwards, then running toward the cliff 'No,' I yelled as I charged out of the bushes, and tackled her, just as she was about to reach the edge of the cliff.

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