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Hey guys! So there is a bunch of stuff I wanted to say/ask, hence this mess. I hate A/N's too, but this was kinda necessary (for me at least)

1) Longer oneshot?
          So I have some longer oneshot ideas. The thing is, I wanna know if you guys want it all in one chapter, or in parts as it's written ( like part 1, part 2, etc. [yes, there will be a title, not just part 1, part 2.]) Both have pros and cons, which I will list down below for convenience. I would like your guys' opinion before I choose what to do.

Updating in parts (as I write them)
                    I would update more often
                    If you guys had an idea to add to the story, I might be able to add it in and make things interesting 🤔
                    Irrelevant stories might be posted in between these oneshots
                    2 long stories might take place at the same time (not in the same time like in the story, but as irrelevant posts         to each other)

All as one whole
                    No irrelevant posts in between
                    One story in one place
                    I wouldn't be updating often
                    If you guys had an idea for the oneshot, I couldn't change it (well, I actually could, but I wouldn't)

2) 200 reads?!
          I saw the reads on this book, and there was 204 reads. I was shocked. I remember telling myself when I posted the first A/N and oneshot that nobody would want to read this trash. I was so surprised at 10 reads, thinking that was the most I would ever get. When it was 100 reads, I was shocked. To think people took time out of their day to read what I had written was insane to me. At 184 reads I was sure that was it. But now, I am in shock that in less than a day, I got up to 200 views. Thank you all for taking time out of your day to read my book.

Again, thank you for reading my book, and I hope you enjoy what becomes of it!

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now