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Malcolm was making dinner for him and his fiancé , Y/N. But of course, he had to be rudely interrupted by Arachne's child.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Malcolm screamed at the top of his lungs. Y/N came rushing down to see what was wrong. She took a bit of time, considering she was almost 7 months pregnant, but managed to get there pretty quickly.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked, utterly confused since there was no danger around.

"S-spider." Malcolm just barely whispered. Then Y/N realized. She started laughing so hard that tears were forming in her eyes.

"Kill it p-please." Malcolm said, fear evident in his voice. Tears started to fall down his face. He remembered when he was little how his father said that he was stronger than the spider, but that wasn't helping him now.

Y/N killed the spider.

"Thank you Thank You THANK YOU!" Malcolm screamed even louder. He was so glad to have someone like Y/N in his life to help him in his most vulnerable state, but for now, he had to make more food. The food he was making was burnt.

"Malcolm Pace, you better get to cooking now, or I will die of hunger."

"Yes m'am."

So that was strange. It was more of a filler chapter.

Thanks for 600 reads!? WHAT!? You all are insane. But I am so grateful for y'all. I'm glad you've enjoyed my book so far, and I hope you keep enjoying it.

My school is starting, so I might not post as often. Who knows, maybe I might even post more. I'm not too sure yet, but yeah.

If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt