chapter 11

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Y/N pov

I open my eyes and feel shear pain fill my body. Todays gona be fun.

I get out of bed slowly and change my clothes.

I'm hunched over because of the pain.

I slowly walk to the door and exit.

Then Dementia comes right at me with a knife.

I quickly slam her into the wall knocking her out.

I really regret that now, everything flared up and I fell to my knees.

I slowly get back up back to my hunched position and walk twords the forge.

As I was walking past the lab the scientist, Flug I think, came up to me.

"Y-you don't look t-to good."

If you count all of my muscles screaming in pain as I move good then no.

"I-i can put you in a t-tank full of..."


He cowers down and I start to walk away, but then Black Hat and White Hat is behind me.

"Someone having trouble or did I just hear someone yell at Dementia?"

I try to walk a little faster but regret it worse than before as I feel my body start to fall I stop at a wall and hold myself.

Then White Hat appears infront of me.

"You don't look so good my dear."

Yeah yeah, just get out of my way.

"I can't just let you work when you look ike your going to black out in pain."

I've been through worse and still worked a forge trust me.

"And how far did that get you?" Black Hat's voice boomed through the halls.

It kept me alive another day with money to eat.

Then my stomach started to growl. Everything hurt worse.

"Your hungry and hurting let Flug help you and leave me alone!" Black Hat yelled as he walked away quickly showing he wanted White Hat to fallow.

"N-now you've got to listen t-to me.''

Shove it up your..

Damn it Dementia is awake!

She came at me again but I couldn't do anything.

She through me on the floor and I sat there in pain.

"What, your not going to fight back?"

''Dementia! Can't you see she's in to much pain to fight."

Wait he didn't studer. Why?

Were can I get something to eat, and can someone help me up?

"Y-yes I'm coming."

I guess your not to bad of a guy even if your a doctor.

"Y-you don't like Doctors very much do you."

Not after what I've been through for the last twenty years.

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