chapter 9

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y/n pov

Well that went we...

Black Hat and White Hat is at the door looking straight at me. Ooops.

Black Hat starts to clap at my fight and then stops.

"Well done there. I like how you fight, and the way she went sailing in the air... marvulas."

"What do you think you are?"

A human girl with the strength of four men.

"I don't think your to human with that strength."

I am what I am.

"Dementia leave!''

"Aw, but Blacky I was about to kick her."


She left and Black and White did to.

All of the sudden I feel my tired body give out and I fall to the ground. I slowly fall asleep beside the forge.

Black Hats pov

I start to walk out and right when I turn around behind White Hat I hear something hit the ground.

I go back around the corner and didnn't see y/n.

I walk around the forge to find her curled up in a ball close to the forge.

I guess I'll have to bring her into her room. I growl a little bit and she says sorry.

Get up.

''I can't, I don't have enoff energy to move anymore."

Why is that?

"Humans have a surtain amount of time they can stay awake, I had to tripple that time geting away from my pursuers.''

So how long did you stay awake?

"A month."

I look at her in shock, even I can't stay awake that long without sleep.

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