"Doesn't mean that I want to see you naked," Sasuke argued as he made himself look away. As annoying as he found Naruto at times, even he couldn't deny that he found him attractive.

"Then don't look," he shrugged as he walked away and continued to get dressed, surprised, and yet pleased, by the reaction he got from Sasuke.

Sasuke tried to keep his eyes on anything but the blonde as he felt his cheeks heat a little from what Naruto said. He was right; if he didn't want to see it then he shouldn't look. However, it was easier said than done when his roommate was stupidly attractive. "We should head over to Kiba's," he tried to change the subject.

"He said twenty minutes," he pointed out.

"I'm sure his roommate is there," Sasuke glared as he grabbed his keys and phone and shoved them into his pocket.

"Fine let's go," Naruto sighed and grabbed his things before leaving the room. He wasn't in the mood to argue with Sasuke.

"What room is he in?" Sasuke asked. Naruto didn't answer, forcing Sasuke to follow him and pissing him off in the process.

They walked the short distance to Kiba's dorm room in silence but Naruto could tell Sasuke was annoyed with him. When they got to the room Naruto knocked on the door, knowing that Sasuke was probably right but part of him hoping he wasn't so he could say I told you so if Shino wasn't in the room. A few moments later Shino answered, also wearing the bright red shirt, which made Naruto smile.

"They got you too," Naruto more stated than asked as Shino let them in.

"Unfortunately," he confirmed.

"Who else?" Naruto asked as they walked into the room.

"I think they signed up more Sasuke's friends, as well as Shikamaru, Ino, Sakura, Neji and Gaara. And I'm sure they are recruiting more," Shino answered.

"In other words their friends and their roommates," Sasuke added.

"Probably," Shino nodded.

"I wish I could see Gaara's face when they try to force him," Naruto laughed.

"Me too," Sasuke smirked, knowing how the redhead could be.


Sasuke couldn't believe they had gotten a team together and that they were walking to the football field. Sasuke walked behind the rest of the group that Kiba and Suigetsu had gathered which Suigetsu noticed and immediately started walking with him, "Is something wrong?"

Sasuke paused before answering, as if looking for the right words, "I don't know. You can keep a secret, right?" He slowed down a little bit more as if he were concerned about anyone in the group hearing what he was about to say.

He looked at him in disbelief as he slowed his pace to match Sasuke's, "You know I can." He paused before looking at him, slightly worried, "What is it?"

Sasuke was unsure if he should say anything considering how drunk the blonde was the other night, but it was bothering him and he knew he could trust Suigetsu. "Well, the other night when Naruto was drunk, something happened and I feel awkward now," he admitted. Suigetsu could tell how uncomfortable, and slightly nervous, Sasuke was by the way he ran his hands through his hair.

"Did you two kiss?" Suigetsu grinned dumbly, causing Sasuke to smack him on the back of the head.

"Where the hell did that come from?" he asked as he glared at him, with his cheeks slightly flushed.

"Don't tell me you don't think he's hot, I've known you for years, I know your type," Suigetsu laughed causing Sasuke to turn away to try to get his blush under control.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now