//41// Problems Leading To Solutions

Start from the beginning

I walk out of the woods and back through the rows of plants. There are soldiers with tall spears guarding the ends of the rows and I roll my eyes. When I step between them, I raise my hands in surrender so they won't attack. When they finally catch notice of me, they point their spears toward me.

I raise an eyebrow. "You're not very good at that, huh?"

"Do you have any suggestions?"

I look past them to find Russel walking over with two guards behind him. He has his hands clasped together in that diplomatic way you always see. His appearance is amusing to me. All the robes and jewels suggest royalty but something tells me the Primes are full of shit.

I smile at him in the nicest way possible. "I don't wanna be mean but your soldiers are a little... questionable."

"How's that?" Russel asks, waving his guards to stand down.

They do.

I grin at them. "Well, I've been wandering around all night and they seem to have been completely oblivious to my presence. I'd suggest replacements but I doubt there'd be anyone as good as me."

His eyebrows shoot up. "Are you offering your services?"

I take a low curtsy, rising with a grin on my lips. "For the glory and grace of the Primes, right?"

He smiles a bit. "What would you have in return?"

"Oh, nothing," I say, waving him off. "Just the safety and security of my people for the safety and security of...well, you."

"Clarke and I have already sorted that out. You will be welcome to stay with us," Russel says, nodding.

Now my eyebrows are shooting up. "Really? I guess I should've had more faith in her."

"What else can I offer for your help?" he asks, clasping his hands behind his back now.

I nod. "Well, that's a hard one. Do you mind asking your lovely bartenders in the tavern to refuse all service to a John Murphy? He's getting on my nerves and I'd like to piss him off."

Russel lets out a short laugh. "Definitely."

He waves to one of the guards and they walk in the direction of the tavern. The control he has over these people is amazing. I'm not saying that it's good to order people around but...it is kind of their job. I think I'll have fun remodelling them.

I smile at Russel. "Thank you, sir."

"Please. Call me Russel," he says, nodding.

I nod too. "Great. When do I start?"

"I'd actually like to employ you in a...different position," he says, tilting his head to the side.

"If you're looking for a prostitute, I'm kind of in a relationship-"

"No," he says quickly, holding up a hand and laughing just a bit. "I'd like to take your services to guard the Primes and only the Primes. It will be only during the day when we are around Sanctum. Watch from a distance but keep a close eye."

"Sure. When do I start?" I ask, smiling a bit.

"Around lunch. Delilah's naming ceremony is today," he says, nodding.

"Cool. I'm off the clock now?" I ask.


"I'll go back to the tavern then," I say, nodding and waving at him.

When I step through the doors of the tavern, I see a fully packed room. Streamers are hanging from the ceiling and people are walking around with food on trays. Delilah's mom is smiling even wider than yesterday somehow. Echo and Bellamy are exchanging quiet words at a table. Clarke is at a table with Miller and Raven. John is sitting at the bar alone. He's talking in a low voice to the bartender. I grin, walking over and plopping into the seat next to him.

Survive, if you can // John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now