"If you do, well you can get it yourself. I'll manage to tell you where it is and you can do the rest since it's just your arm that got hurt not your hands, right?" I reply, before turning to the fridge to get the milk. Maybe I'll heat it up a little.

"Josie!" He called again.

I switch off the microwave, only to turn around to Jake standing right behind me. Way too close, if I may add. How did he even walk here so fast?

"What... have you seen a ghost?" He leans closer, whispering into my ear.

I place my hand on his chest out of reflex, to prevent him from moving any closer.

"Jake..." I manage to say.

"Yeah?" He whispers again into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. My heart starts to race even faster.

Isn't he suppose to be in pain? Rather than giving me goosebumps all over, geez.

The sound of Star's meows bring me back to my senses. This needs to stop ugh.

"Get... away...are you...trying...trying to kill me or something?" I fake small coughs in between my words, to put up my act.

"Your..your cologne is... really choking me here. Geez." I say, pushing him away from me as hard I can.

"Ouch! What'd you do that for?" He says, holding his injured arm tightly.

Oh my. I forgot about his arm for a moment there. Did I hurt him even more? He shouldn't know I actually care that much though.

"Sorry, you're the one intruding on my breathing space."

"Well that was rude and painful. I just wanted to say thank you." He says staring at me with his gorgeous eyes.

"I'm sure that can be done without invading my personal space." I say, avoiding his eyes.

"And... where's the fun in that?" He asks with a smirk, moving closer again.
"Hey, move. I'm not your girlfriend or booty call please." I say, pushing him away.

"Never said anything about that, but if you're up for it though, why not Allen?"

"I rather sleep in a dumpster, slut." I say with a smirk on my face before turning away.

I grab Star and his bowl of milk before heading to the living room, leaving Jake standing there. I guess some people aren't used to rejection. Heh.

After few minutes, he comes back into the living room with a long face. He takes a sit on the couch opposite me without saying a word or even sparing me a glance.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I decide to ask. But unfortunately, I get snubbed.

"I guess I'll just watch some random Netflix movie with Star then."

I get up from the couch, turn on the TV from the switch and grab the remote.

Finally making a choice, I settle down on the couch to continue my series on Netflix, Pretty little liars, as Star gets on my lap to join me. Turns out he really loves to cuddle.

"You're not gonna hate me right?"

That voice definitely wasn't from the movie. I turn towards Jake who still has both eyes on the TV screen.

"You're not gonna hate me for being involved in some shit right?" He repeated his question, this time being more specific.

"Um, no. I don't really judge people without knowing their reason for doing something. I've been there, so, I get it..."

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