Chapter 38

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(Lucas's POV)
"The girls have been really strange lately" Zack says while sitting down in one of the conference chairs

"I agree, somethings. Ava is stuttering, she only does that when she has something to his" I comment leaning back in my chair

"Technically everything is fixed here, we could go back early. Maybe catch what they are hiding?" Tom pipes up

"Sounds good, we leave first thing tomorrow morning" I say getting up "They think we're not going to be home for another three days, let us go surprise them"

With that we went to our hotel to pack for the morning trip home. I clear it with the airport, because you know I may own my own plan, but you still must check the weather and that boring crap

'What are you hiding?'

(Ava's POV)
"They're onto us, they are so on to us" I frantically say as I pace the living room

"It's fine A. Look just chill out it's not good for the baby, anyways you're blocking my show" she says from the couch

"How are you so calm?" I stop and stare

"Move women or I'll move you myself" she threatened

"You wouldn't hurt a pregnant lady" I gasped holding my stomach. The more I watched I realized that I had a small bump growing

"I would never, but I will shove you into the couch" she laughed evilly

"Rude" I say plopping onto the love seat "What do you think it'll be?" I am asking rubbing and looking down at my stomach

"A boy" she says confidently

"Why a boy?"

"Hard to take care of as a baby easy to take care of as a kid" she says will not taking her eyes off the screen "What do you think it is?" She says now looking at me

"I don't care, as long as he or she is healthy" I smile and look up at her, she also had a smile

"Well, I bet it's a boy" I just laugh and continue to watch The Vampire Diaries

"Oh, come on, give it to me!" I yell trying to grab the jar of cookies

"This is not a healthy breakfast" Callie scowled

"But it's what I'm craving, so give it" I whine like a child

"That kids going to get addicted to cookies if you keep eating like this" she pointed at my stomach

"Give it" I growl grow frustrated

"Wow, your mood swings are awful. We should get that checked" she laughed running around the island counter

"I'm going to fucking stab yo-"

"Wow, what is going on in here?" I ignore who ever just walked in

"Give it"

"No" it seemed Callie did as well "It's not a healthy diet

"I'll throw out your fucking cheesecake" I snap

"You wouldn't" She pointed a finger at me with a glare

"Watch me" I glare at her

"I don't think they know we're here" I heard someone say, "Hey can I help?"

"STAY OUT OF IT!" Callie and I yell at whoever was in the room

"If you eat a healthy breakfast first then you can have the damn cookies. Just don't touch my fucking cheesecake" I wager before nodding

"Deal" I reach out my hand and we shake before we turned to whoever was at the entrance of the kitchen. We both freeze

"What did I just witness?" I head Tom ask

"The girls almost murder each other over food" Zack answered him, I stop breathing and look over at Callie who is just starting wide eyes at the boys

"Surprise" Tom says happily

"Shit" Callie and I say at the same time

"You're not supposed to be home for another three days" I call "Why'd you come back early?" I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me and I fell into the counter

"Ava" Callie rushes over

"I knew something was wrong" Lucas was also by my side

"I'm fine, I just need something to eat. I'm just hungry" I push him away and Callie gets to work on making me some health food "I'm fine" I tell Lucas as he watches me carefully

"Ava you never get dizzy spells when you're hungry" he pointed out and I hopped up onto the stool "I should take you to the doctor" he looked at me

"I've already been" I answer before looking at Callie who turned to look at me with a tell him look "And she said I'm fine" I brush it off

"Callie" Zack said grabbing Callie's waist "What's up with Ava?" He said kissing her neck

"It's not for me to tell" she pushed him away and stared at me "It's Ava's secret" I ran my hand through my hair before turning to Lucas

"I- I- I'm...."

😂y'all going to hate me

I was listening to secret by The Pierces when writing this. Anyway, my cliffhangers are slowly making their way back into my books😁

Tell me how you like the story so far, I think I am going to wrap up the book at 40 or so chapters. What would you guys say to a sequel?

~ TheDevil

Edit date ~ April 19, 2021

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