Chapter 37

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(Two weeks later)
(Ava's POV)
"I think I need to go to the doctor. This shit is just getting worse" I tell Callie as I throw up for the sixth time in a row

"Yeah, I'll make the appointment" she says letting go of my hair and walking out of her bathroom

I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and stood up to look in the mirror. The guys have been gone for a week and a half now in another state dealing with gang things while Callie and I were made to stay here. I started getting sick and tired not long after they left, I did not tell Lucas or Zack only Callie. She has been staying with me the whole week, the guys are gone for another two weeks

"Ok, so I got you an appointment at three this afternoon" I nod and wash my face before kicking her out to hop in the shower.

I got out and went to change. Two hours later and we left the house for the doctors, of course we are not going to tell the boys about this. Sadly, though we had to take a few guards with us, we just told them not to say anything to Lucas or the other two or we were going to give them early graves

Callie pulled into the parking lot and we got out heading for the clinic doors. Pulling them open I saw not many people sitting around, there was classical music playing. We headed for the front desk, stopping at the girl behind the desk who opened the window

"Hello. Name and what times your appointment?"

"Ava Smith, and we have an appointment at three" Callie answers for me as I take a seat because I was getting dizzy

"Just sign theses and a nurse will come get you shortly" she handed Callie a clip board and closed the window

"What a bitch" I mutter, and Callie giggled

"Agreed" with that she helped me fill out the papers, she turned them back in and twenty minutes later a nurse pulled us into the back

"The doctor will be in shortly" she said after she checked my vitals

Ten long minutes later and the doc walked in. She sat down and asked me what was happening before having me pee in a cup


"What's wrong with me?" I ask the next time the doc walks in, she had a clip board and a smile

"Is she ok?" Asked Callie standing up as I laid on the uncomfortable bed

"Nothing wrong" the doctor smiled "Ava, congratulations. Your pregnant"


"Hell" Callie finishes for me

"What I'm I going to tell Lucas?" I groan

"Clearly you need some time to think this over and I'll be back"

"Wait" I call "How along am I?"

"About two weeks" she nods to me

"Thanks" I mumble before covering my face "This is what I wanted, just- I" I could feel tears forming

"Hey, it's ok, I'm here to help you through this"

"What if Lucas isn't happy? What if he does not want the kid? Then what do I do?" Tears started to slip

"Hey, chill. This kid is yours, if you keep it, he will have to deal with it. But I think he'll be happy" she answered hugging me

"Thank you, I don't know where I'd be without you" I whispered hugging her back

"You'd be a train wreck all over again" she laughed

"So, lady's what's the plan?"

"I'm keeping it, but is there something I can take to keep the vomiting, headaches, and dizzy spells away?"

"Yes" she wrote some stuff down and handed me a paper "Just take it to your pharmacist and they get you what you need. If that is all, see you at your next appointment" she smiled and walked out

We fixed another appointment and walked out. I had a big smile on my face, after we picked up the meds we went and got ice cream. After we headed home

'I need to find a right way to tell Lucas'

I sat on Callie's bed and we shared ideas on how I could tell him and everyone else. Nothing seemed right, I just prayed he would be happy

Two chapters in one day? That is not on the schedule? Is she high?

Nope just bored and got some inspiration😁

See you in the next chapter
~ TheDevil

Edit date ~ April 19, 2021

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