How I started this story❤

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I just want to say something. When I got wattpad I got it to read tonick storys and to only read I was not planning on writing. Then I was curious on what it would be like to write so I wrote chapter 1. When I published the first chapter I was like oh it will probably get 1 or 2 reads. I was also planning on deleting the chapter and not writing at all but then I saw that a lot of people were reading my first chapter and wanted more. When I saw that people liked it I was so surprised and then I decided to continue this story and Now am at 40K Reads I want to say thank you this is crazy I didn't even think I will get 100 reads. Like when I got 100 reads I freaked out and now am at 40k I am so grateful for those 40k reads Again thank❤

Also I will try to write a chapter and publish it tommoraw I was planning and writing it sooner today but my cousins slept over.

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