Chapter 51

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I woke up and the house was still quiet well I guess there still not here.
I guess I have the whole house to myself. I think before I get ready am going to call mia to see house tony is doing

M: mia N: nick

N: hey mia how is everything

M: oh hi nick Tony is ok he is laying in the bed getting rest

N: ok that's good did you guys go to the doctor

M: No when we were going to take him he woke up

N: oh ok well can I go to see him

M: um I don't think that's a good idea everyone still thinks it was your fault they even told tony ot was your fault


M: nick come down I believe it was not your fault pls darianka has been acting really weird

N: thanks mia well I guess I will just me here call me if anything bad happens bye mia

M: bye nick

Great now tony thinks I tried to kill him he probably hates me now and everyone still thinks it I tried to kill him uhh well aleast I have mia on my side. I decided to get in the pool and film a tiktok

( 2:10-2:17 was the tiktok he made)

Nickaustin:You not my wife

Nick××teddy: Hi nick how you doing

       Nickaustin: am alright❤

Miahayward: Everything is ok with tony

           Nickaustin: ok thanks

Nick...Daddy: Nick is my baby daddy😏😏

Addison.blush××: If I call you bae your bae for the day

           Nickaustin: or bae for the night your not my wife

The hype house is really boring when your all alone by yourself maybe I can try to call tony.

Ring ring ring ring ring

Well no answer maybe I can text him

N: Hi tony how are you

N: tony I can see you are leaving me on read just know I love you I NEVER would try to kill you pls believe me it wasn't me I promise tony pls

N: no answer ok well know I really love you ❤😞

Well I guess tony doesn't want to talk to me. Why can't anyone understand stand it wasn't me I would never try to kill tony I wasn't me. At this point I was crying to I decided to just get out of the pool and take a shower. After I showered also I might of cried in the shower but we won't talk about that. I went on Netflix and watched The Lorax sense my favorite song

I just love this song.

Tony's POV

Am laying in bed and the rest of the house is just posting on tiktok in the pool or just on their phones. I can't believe nick would do that to me he texted me a bit early saying he didn't do it but I didn't answer I believe he didn't do it but at the same time what if he did do it. I just don't know what to do I love nick but I just don't know if I should believe the house or him. My head started to hurt from me thinking so much I just don't who to believe.

" Hey bro how are you doing" said ondreaz

" Am good my head just hurts that all"

" oh ok I will bring you some water" said ondreaz

" ok"

" Hey tony you good" said ryland

" Ya I just have a headache but ondreaz is going to bring me water"

" ok"

Ondreaz came back with my water and I drinked it all my headache kinda went away but my head still hurts a bit.

" Hi tony" said Mia

" oh hi mia"

" so um tony I know the house told you that nick tried to kill you but I Don't think it was him because he was the one who found you on the ground and called us" said Mia

" Mia I just don't know who to believe but how did he know were I was at if I didn't tell him"

" Let me call him" said mia

" ok"

M: mia N: nick

M: hi nick

N: Hi mia

M: so um how did you know were tony was if he never told you

N: well actually darianka told me

M: um ok but why did you come here in the first place

N: well Me and tony had been texting sense were friends and When I texted him in the night a few days ago he didn't answer so I thought he was sleeping. I went to sleep and the next day I checked to see if tony answered no answer I checked a few times during the day and he never answered so I got worried at first I thought he was mad. I decided go check on him so I went to the house tony rented when I got there I knocked there was no answer I kept knocking no answer so I looked around the house I got to the back climbed the fence and saw that the back door was unlocked I went inside and saw tony on the ground looking dead so that's what happened

M: um ok thanks bye

N: um ok bye

M: Um nick are you ok you sound like you have been crying

N: oh um ya I was crying sense no one believes me I would never do that to tony I love him

M: nick its ok I believe you

N: thanks mia well bye

" ok so I believe nick but we need to make sure it wasn't him"

" well do you have camera's maybe we can see who it was" said mia

" um actually this teddy bear is a hidden camera"

" really I just thought it was a teddy bear sense you missed nick" said mia

" that was what I was going for"

" ok then lets look through the tape" said Mia

Well I guess I really did need the camera

Part 3 of teddycopterrr idea

Thanks for 36k reads. Also sorry it toke long for me to post this. This is unedited so I am sorry if I made an mistakes.

Love yall - Fatima ❤😇


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