chapter 17

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I had been too stunned to stop him disappearing upstairs, instead stood completely frozen in the middle of the dark common room. Malfoy knew about my Mother and that meant that his Father did too. Everyone knew he was a Death Eater, did he know her too? With fear bubbling inside of
me, I quickly made my way into my dorm and climbed into bed.

Sleep eluded me all night and by the time the light was beaming in through the windows, I was up and heading back down into the common room. Nobody else was awake yet and it was as empty as I'd left it. It can't have been later than six so I decided to go and have a shower.

I needed to know her. I needed to find out something. I wanted to know why Draco had waited until now to mention this, seeing as he would taunt me about everything else in my life. Why had he said it now, now when I'm asking questions? It's not as if Oliver would have told him anything, nor Hermione mentioned I asked one question in the time it took her to leave the library and turn up Petrified.

Dressed and completely exhausted, I headed for the library. I had a couple of hours before Defence against the Dark Arts so I decided to use this time to continue my search for information on my Mother. I would devote my time later to helping with the Chamber of Secrets, my mind would be useless if I tried to change its course right now.

The library was obviously empty when I got there. Taking the opportunity, I slid into the restricted section and began to read the spines of the old books in a hope to stumble across a book called 'Everything You Need To Know About: Desdemona Rosier' but I imagined the chances of that were fairly minuscule.

I found nothing. I didn't know if that was due to the fact I couldn't concentrate on a sentence, batting my eyelids back open every time they tried to drop. There had to be something, an easier way to find out about her. I thought about asking Dumbledore again. It took me a moment to remember what had happened last night, Dumbledore and Hagrid were gone.

I allowed myself a selfish thought. With Dumbledore gone and Lucius Malfoy being one of the board members, the chances of the conversation with the Sorting Hat ever occurring had suddenly diminished to zero. Malfoy would never grant someone to be removed from Slytherin, traitors being a word he threw about on a daily basis.

I pulled out a piece of parchment and my quill. I had to ask somebody I could trust and although I
knew it would likely get me nowhere - or even in more trouble with my Father - I had to write to Daniel, my oldest brother. Oliver told me he knew more than him.

Dear Daniel, I wrote.
I don't want to cloud this letter of it's true purpose so I will save the niceties. I want to know about our Mother. I know her name now, Desdemona Rosier, and I know she's a Dark witch locked up in Azkaban. It's more than I have ever known but it's not enough. Someone has threatened me with information about her and I think that you know that a lack of information here could be more dangerous than to live in denial of her existence. Dad thinks I'm turning evil for asking so that's why I'm looking to you, my oldest brother. I need you to believe me when I say I am being careful, I am not like her and I long for the day you will all accept me back again.
I hope you are well and I miss you,
your little sister

With my letter in hand, I quickly made my way across the castle to the owlery where the strong smell of bird crap filled the air. People had begun to awaken and people were dotted around the castle, mostly with friends. I called down one of Hogwarts owls and gave them my letter, giving it a soft stroke on the head before releasing it through the window. I watched it soar away happy with a job to do; I only hoped it would bring me one back with as much joy.

I headed to Defence against the Dark Arts shortly after a walk around the grounds, hoping the cool air would wake me up slightly. It helped, but not as much as seeing Harry and Ron waiting outside Professor Lockhart's classroom.

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