But today had been a trigger and that feeling didn't stay long though. Because even when Harry tells me he loves me every night, his words can't reach me in my dreams.

I loved when it was warm like this. I'd gotten up the courage to wear shorts to class. I'd only had one today and it was an exam. I finished a lot earlier than I thought I would, bless my studying habits, I guess.

So I took my time walking back to my dorm. It was only a fifteen minute walk, but the sun was shining and there was a small breeze. It picked my hair up just enough to be calming without whipping me in the face.

I stopped at the campus coffee shop and grabbed a  banana nut muffin to eat on my way home, feeling like I deserved something after my exam. I'd been the second one done and I felt confident in my answers and the possibility of a high grade.

Everything around campus was quiet and I could hear the birds chirping in the trees. It was midterm season, so if people weren't in class, they were in the library or napping in their dorms during the day. I was lucky to only have one midterm this semester. Last semester was different and I thought I would have died. Spring semesters were always better for me though.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and switched the song I was listening to and checked my texts as well. I'd hoped for a text from Austin wishing me good luck on my test, but there was nothing. That wasn't out of the ordinary though. He was usually busy during the days and most of the nights. He usually didn't text unless I texted first. That's okay though, he's busy.

He told me this morning that he would be busy all afternoon. He had a three midterms this week that he had to study for, so I understood. He was a biology major so his midterms were a little more high maintenance than my one lit midterm.

I swiped into my dorm room, pulling the door open. There were a few people in the lobby doing homework and playing pool, but none of them acknowledged me. I just wanted to get home and put on more comfortable clothes.

I got to my door, knowing the room would be empty. Angela said she had plans with her other friends today. I really liked Angela. She was the first person I'd met, obviously, and she was a lot of fun to live with. She gets me out of my head whenever we go out.

When I keyed into my dorm though, I was met with Angela's wide eyes. She obviously wasn't expecting me home. She was standing in her underwear, so I quickly closed the door behind me, not  wanting anyone walking by to see her.

"Hey, Charlotte... I thought you were taking an exam. I wasn't expecting you home for like, 20 more minutes." She quickly started to put clothes on.

"I got done early. I really think I passed." I dropped my bag next to my bed, about to take my shoes off and get comfortable.

Just as my toes touched my heel, Austin walked out of the bathroom we shared with the girls next door. His shirt was off and jeans undone.

"Angie, who the hell are you ta-" His eyes met mine, wide and shocked to see me.

I looked back and forth between my boyfriend and one of my best friends.

"Charlotte, what are you doing here? You should be taking an exam.." His words sounded accusing, as if it was my fault he was there.

It felt like the air was being squeezed out of my lungs. My lips slowly fell apart, letting my jaw relax to just hang open. I looked between them, not being able to take in what I was looking at. I looked at Angela's lack of clothing and Austin's undone jeans.

"Are you just going to stare at us with your mouth open or are you going to say something?" His voice felt like a knife in my heart. I'd caught him right after he'd cheated on me with my roommate and he was asking me to say something?

Last Place You LookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang