Is it just because I'm too pretty for them?" (Y/N) asked to herself as she tried to stop crying.


Ms. Chizu was on the first year floor going to get some extra printer paper from the storage room.  She was about to touch the handle while there was some sobs heard coming from the other side of the door. She put her hear up tot he door and carefully listened in to decipher the voice. Ms. Chizu quiet opened the door and peaked her head in to the bright room and (Y/N) sitting on the floor resting against the shelves quietly sobbing. She quietly shut the door. (Y/N) noticed her and averted her eyes.

" Kiko, Are you okay?" Ms. Chizu asked with a concerned expression as she bent down to sit cris cross apple sauce on the floor next to Kiko.

" I-I f-fine." Kiko replied as she kept her head down and he eyes on the floor. 

" No you not. Kiko please look at me." Ms. Chizu gently started as she pulled Kiko into a hug and that made Kiko cry in her arms as Ms. Chizu felt wetness on her blouse. She comforted Kiko gently rocking her, and rubbing her backing in a circular motion calm her. Once Kiko had calmed she took some deep breathes and leaned out of the embrace.

" T-thank you. Ms. Chizu. I'm sorry about your blouse and skipping class. I just needed a few minuted to myself." Kiko explained as Ms. Chizu nodded in understanding.

" So if you want to tell me why were you crying?" Ms. Chizu asked as Kiko averted her eyes again.

" W-well I-it's no big deal, but anyways I'm getting verbally abused and bullied. The girls kept calling me names and tell me I'm not good enough. It's no big deal though." Kiko confessed as she kept her eyes to the ground.

" This is totally a big deal Kiko. No one, I mean NO ONE should ever be treated like this. I know how. I also got bullied too in school. Have you told anyone else about this?" Ms. Chizu asked.

" N-no only you." Kiko confessed agin as she was fiddling with her fingers.

" Do you want to tell them today?" Ms. Chizu asked again. (Y/N) just nodded and then Ms. Chizu asked for you to go to the office and ask to see the consoler. 

Ms. Chizu went to your classroom and grabbed your things and left. Everyone in the class was confused and the teacher gave her a questioning look which Ms. Chizu gave a look 'I'll tell you later' one.

As you arrived to the office, you asked if you can see the consoler. The secretary look concerned and nodded. Before you left she asked you name.

" Miya Kiko." She stated as she still has read puffy eyes from crying.

" Okay, you can go in, she will be with you in a moment. She nodded and walked inside the room and sat in one of the bean bags she had. The door opened abruptly and you jumped a little but Ms. Chizu apologized and handed you your things that was in the classroom then she closed the door quietly.

A few minutes later, the consoler came inside and she greeted you. She sat down in her chair and asked you what's wrong. You spilled your feelings out to her and tears streaming down your face again and she hugged you and gave you the tissues box. One you calmed down, she asked you why were you crying. You explained how you were bullied from the girls on the volleyball team and what was the reason why you changed your club. Then you also told her about the continuous things of bullying you verbally for about a week or two.

The consoler looked synthetic to you and she wrote down some notes and names that you've told. She also asked if you have pictures, text messages, notes anything like that they have written. You should the many texts that Ena, Ayano, and Sachio sent and you just leaving them on read. You have mentioned that you took screen shots incase they deleted it. 

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