The love that came from above
The test of time from my heart to yours

Once she arrived she felt her feet couldn't carry her fast enough. Breaking out into an almost excited run she rushed over to the tree you would always meet under. She knew you would be there, you always were when she needed you most.

Just be still
I'll carry your will
They'll never keep us apart

She was right as always, you were there just like usual. She took a seat on the small bench under the tree and sat in silence for a moment, reviling in your presence.

"We found a way to get them back." She started softly. She was fidgeting excitedly and to try and calm herself she began to toy with the wedding ring you had placed on her finger 13 years ago. 'God,' She thought to herself. 'Had it really been 13 years already?' How time flew.

And bury me deep
My love is yours to keep
Til death do us part

"We can really bring everyone back and with time travel of all things." A small laugh escaped her as she looked down at the ring before out over the small view you had here on this hill. This view had become all too familiar to both of you.

Natasha took a deep breath and blinked back tears. "I'm excited. Everything will go back to as it was, we'll all be a family again. God, please let this work..." she whispered the last part.

"I can sense this is going to be dangerous. Maybe one of the most dangerous things any of us have ever done if you can believe that." Closing her eyes she angled her head up to the sky. "Who knows, we may be together again sooner than either of us ever anticipated."

She finally looked over in your direction. A sad smile appeared on her face as she walked over and stood in front of you. "Whatever it takes." She whispered as she kneeled in front of your gravestone and traced the words that she had engrained into her memory.

Here lies Y/N L/N
Loving Wife, friend, and hero to all

"I'll see you soon, my love." She whispered before standing and walking back to her car.

I'll see you soon
Til death do us part


Standing on Vormir, Natasha knew what she had to do. A soul for a soul the Red Skull had said. Looking over at Clint she could see the gears in his head-turning. She could already tell he was preparing himself for the jump.

I know the reason we're here
I lost hope and fears

She wouldn't let him jump. She couldn't let him jump. Laura and the kids would be waiting for him soon and there was no way she would let him sacrifice himself and leave them all alone.

The kids needed their father.

Besides, Natasha had made peace with the fact that if she were to be the one to go over the edge there was a chance you would be the one greeting her at the end.

You carried our tears away.

And all the pain that was caused
The dagger to my heart
Haunting me haunting you

She wished she could say goodbye to everyone one last time. Clint would just have to do it for her.

Just be still
I'll carry your will
They'll never keep us apart.

Clint put up more than a fight than she would have liked but she had expected it. He loved her just as much as she loved him and that meant to fight each other just to keep the other alive.

And marry me til
My love is Your's to keep.

Til death do us part.

As they both went off the cliff she made sure to secure him to it. Had the situation been any different she would have made a snarky remark about his retirement slowing him down.

Instead, she merely looked down at the drop that lay ahead of her. Oddly she felt completely at peace. Looking back up at him she smiled softly and gave a slight nod.

"Let me go."

Just be still
I'll carry your will

"It's okay." Seeing he wasn't going to let go she gave her best friend one last apologetic look before kicking off sending her into a free fall.

They'll never keep us apart

She closed her eyes as she fell, her head filling with one thought and one thought only. You.


Natasha woke up to a warm light beaming on her face. The first thing she registered besides the warmth was that she was now sitting upright. Opening her eyes she was greeted by that all too familiar view.

"I was wondering when you would join me." She damn near jumped out of her skin as her head whipped to look at the person sitting beside her.

And bury me deep
My love is yours to keep

You looked over at her with that warm smile that she remembered so fondly. Her breath caught in her chest as she sat frozen, just staring at you.

My love is yours to keep.

Looking down at your left hand you smiled and twisted the matching wedding band on your finger. "Thank you for burying me with it-it gave me some semblance of still being there with you."

A strangled cry left Natasha before she surged forward and into your arms. You wrapped your arms around her tightly and pulled her into your lap. It felt beyond amazing to be able to hold each other once again.

It had been 8 years since she had last seen you beyond looking at old pictures and videos. 8 years since she had held you close. 8 long years since Natasha had felt whole in your arms.

Til death do us part

"I'm so proud of you Natalia." You whispered in her ear before pulling her in tighter. Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of you using her given name. Only you were permitted to use it and hearing it roll off your tongue again was its own sort of heaven.

"Please tell me this isn't another cruel dream." Her whisper came out in a desperate plea. You pulled back slightly and took her face in your hands. Your eyes searched her's lovingly before you leaned in and pressed a long-awaited kiss to her lips.

Instantly the two of you melted into the kiss as you're hot tears mixed together. You pulled away a few moments later and rested your foreheads together. "I'm never leaving you ever again, my love." You whispered before she reconnected your lips.

I'll see you soon
Til death do us part

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