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The erection of hairs on the skin due to cold, fear, or excitement.

Chapter 7: The Anniversary.


Fear. You know that moment when your heart feels like it's about to escape your chest? that moment when your palm gets unnaturally sweaty, that moment uncontrollable tears roll down your face.

That's what I felt as I hold Hades' hand, the only thing that's keeping from falling and bashing my head, or in this case drown, there's a flowing river below and I have Hades holding me. I'm very aware of Hades' feelings towards me and that's why I'm scared.

I could see it on his face, he's debating whether he should leave me or pull me up, the rain keeps falling, my cloth sticks to my body.

"Please pull me up" I plead, "Fine" he sighs and pulls me up I try to stand on my feet but pain shoots through my left ankle, "Shit!" Hades carries me bridal style, I cry softly as I'm reminded of my grandmother's accident.

Yet another reason to be scared of the rain. It's dangerous, it could kill, all the rain causes is pain.

I'm placed gently on my bed, "I told you I didn't want to go" a sneeze escapes my lips, "I kinda hoped the rain would help you with your clumsiness" he shrugs as he brings a purple towel, I stare at my red and swollen ankle.

"That's going to hurt more in the morning" Hades grimaces, "Why did you hesitate to pull me up?" I ask.

"Isn't it obvious?" I stare blankly at him, "I had two options so forgive me for wanting to not make another mistake" I pull the cover closer to me shrugging the towel off.

I thought we shared a moment in the bar room but clearly, I'm wrong, "Leave" I whisper and he nods.

I place my head on the pillow and cry, I saw my life literally flash in my eyes. All the time Erica and my father beat me up I've never been that scared because I was they couldn't kill me.

But I'm in an unknown place, a place unknown to humans, a place where if I died it wouldn't change anything, and there's no way out.

With dried-up tears, I fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to see my ankle had been bandaged, my eyes hurt when I blink, I limp my way to the bathroom, after taking a shower.

I wear a long-sleeved gown that stops a little bit above my knee. I bandaged my leg properly with the bandage I found in the bathroom cabinet.

With my hair packed up in a messy bun, I limp out of the room, "Finally" Hades rolls his eyes, "You couldn't even bandage your ankle well" he sighs, I look at my properly bandaged ankle and stare at him with narrowed eyes.

Hades pulls me into the dining room and sits me down, "I'm starving" he pouts, he was right when he said he's going to forget yesterday ever happened.

We're served mashed potatoes and gravy, I stare blankly at my plate of a full food. Zeus isn't here to help me.

"Do you always need permission to eat your food?" He snaps, and I pick up my fork in my right hand my knife in my left hand.

"I'm done eating," I push my plate slightly, he sends me a glare. I hear his chair scrap and he storms off.

I pack our plates and place them in the cart.

I roll it to the kitchen, Ruby and the two other maids are in here gossiping.

Ruby yanks the cart from me, "Now he's going to get mad at me!" I mutter a sorry and leave the kitchen.

I pick up a broom, "Hey" I wave at Mara who forces a smile. "What's wrong?" I frown, "Today is my death anniversary," she says bitterly.

"Oh, I'm sorry" she waves it off, "It isn't your fault, today is also Hades' wedding anniversary" she Chuckles.

I widen my eyes, "He's married?"

"Well, he was. Until she cheated, oh sorry until he caught her cheating. I'm pretty sure she cheated on him even on their night" she stares at my bandaged foot, "What happened?"

"I decided to face my fears instead I got more scared. Was it Persephone?" I ask to be sure what I read on Earth about Greek gods are true.

"Yupp" she pops the p, I could see she was sad about her death.

"I died in a fire" I climb the stairs and she follows, "How?" I ask.

"I took drugs to get my parent's attention but instead they gave me more money their jobs were more important to them than their only daughter. My friends and I fell asleep but we woke up because of the smoke. We rushed out I had no idea there was a bomb in my car so it blew up with the house" she blinks really hard and I touch her shoulder.

"I've always wanted to tell someone about it and I'm happy it's you" she smiles, "Can you get me a cigarette from Hades?" She pleads with her eyes, "No, he's mad at me" I shake my head.

"He's always mad." She waves me off, "Fine just touch the cigarette and I'll do the rest by myself" I shake my head quickly.

"I don't even know where he keeps his cigarettes"

"Fine! You know where keeps his drinks" Mara wags her finger at me, "I'm only touching it" she jumps happily as she follows me to the bar room.

Then the doorbell rings, "Oops, I'll be back!" She blows a kiss as she disappears. I hope it isn't Hades.

The doorbell rings again and I open the door to see a bloody Hades. I step back. "It isn't mine" he grumbles.

"W-what?" I blink, "Sorry about the floor" he leaves footprints of blood.

He killed someone.

I clutch the wooden broom tightly. I clean the floor.

A vase falls and breaks as I try to clean the dust away. Hades comes out and grabs my wrist tightly, I'm scared he'll snap it into pieces.

"Must you break everything?!" I jump as tears gather in my eyes.

"Please don't tell me you're going to cry" he rubs his forehead still holding my wrist. "Hades!" Zeus calls and Hades closes his eyes tightly.

"Let her go" he releases me, my wrist is red and throbbing angrily. "I'm not the mood for you" Hades sighs. Hades' eyes red almost like he's drunk or has been crying.

"Are you planning on breaking her into pieces?!" Zeus stares at my bandaged foot, "What happened to your foot" he asks, "I fell" I rub my wrist.

"Did he push you?!" Hades throws a punch at Zeus.

Zeus wipes his bloody lips, "He did, didn't he?" He chuckles humorlessly as he punches Hades. "No, I fell off," I say quickly. Hades storms away lighting a cigar.

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