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To be feared, worthy of reverence giving an expression of aged goodness and benevolence.

Chapter 5: The sick.


It's been one month since I've been in the underworld, and so far I've made zero friends not that I'm bothered. I've never had any friends growing up, I was always the freak that tried to commit suicide.

The freak that came to school with burnt marks and cut marks, yet no one bothered to ask why I tried, or even if I actually tried to hurt myself they all just believed my father and Erica lies.

I usually sat alone during lunch under a tree mostly because I was never given food to school.

My only friend here is 'Mara the friendly ghost' as she loves calling herself, she's been making me touch things for her to feel, feeling things has always been her dream ever since she became a ghost. The other maids avoid me like a plague.

I could say it's part of Hades' rules but I've learned not to assume things since my whole people always assumed things about me.

The Raven usually came after Mara leaves, and I still find it creepy, sometimes we have staring contests until I close the curtains.

My chores are sweeping and washing the dishes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays then on Sundays the man that had brought me out of the dungeon I woke up in would choose someone to cook, and fortunately, I've never been chosen to cook on Sundays.

I've been trying to stay away from Hades' way, he's always like a ticking bomb ready to go off at any time with his Sarcastic remarks, and psychotic smiles.

Instead, I time him, he leaves at 9: am sharp and comes back at 2: pm. Leaves again in the evening by 6: pm and comes back perhaps when everyone is asleep.

Like right now, it's 12: pm and I have to sweep the hallway on his office floor which means I have two hours to complete my business here. With the wooden broom and dustpan in my hands, I climb the long and stressful hallway. I avoid the red rug on the staircase.

I place the dustpan on the floor with a sigh, "Boo!" The broom drops from my hand, I raise my head to see Mara grinning "You're easily scared." She chuckles, I ignore her.

I start sweeping still ignoring her, she grabs the broom from my hand and walks through a room only poking out her head to laugh at me "Come on get angry" she's been trying to get me angry and so far she's hasn't been successful I got my mother's temper since I hardly got angry.

"Hades would be home soon" I plead, I shudder at the thought of what he would do if he saw me here sweeping, "Just get mad and I'll the broom back to you" she flicks her left wrist in a bored manner.

"Or I could go downstairs and get another broom" I answer smugly, she narrows her eyes and gives the broom back to me.

I bow dramatically, Mara stands beside me moving when I move, a maid walks through Mara and she groans in pain "What?" I rush to her in panic "It's fucking painful when humans walk though ghosts" she answers biting her lips, "Sorry"

"Don't apologize red" I nod and continue sweeping, I hear the clock chime and know Hades would be back anytime soon, I quickly pack up the dirt into the dustpan with the broom and rush downstairs carefully without spilling a spec of dirt.

I hear Mara laugh at me running around like a headless chicken like she loves calling me whenever Hades comes home and I'm not done with my chores.

"I don't get why you're scared of him" I raise an eyebrow and she shrugs "I'm dead the worse I can do is ban me from stepping out of my house" I pout at her "I won't be able to see you anymore"

"You'll leave without me kid" she places her hand on my shoulder and disappears, "Are you planning to make my food with dirt this time" I freeze when I hear his gruff yet deep voice behind me.

"N-no" I look down quickly putting, "S-sorry" I avoid his crystal blue eyes, as I try to move away from the kitchen. "You look Skinner than you got here" he crosses his arms and opens his legs to block me from walking away "And look me in the eyes when I'm speaking to you!" He orders, I stare at my feet.

I feel his finger under my chin before he raises my head to his eye level, I stare into his blue eyes before I avert my eyes to the other side of the kitchen.

I've been thought to never look into someone's eyes or I'll get beatings, he sighs and I know he's rolling his eyes. Mara has succeeded in getting me mad, she didn't inform me of his presence before she disappeared.

I rub my head, I've been feeling dizzy lately. I walk away from the kitchen but Hades voice stops "I'm hungry" I stay quiet "That means you have to make me a meal" I want to tell him it's not my turn to cook, I want to call him a brat who needs maids to attend to his needs.

But, I nod and pull out pots totally ignoring my headache, "Spaghetti?" I ask, he sits on a stool as he watches me like a hawk while I move around the kitchen, I pick a pack of spaghetti, I steady my hold on the kitchen island when my head felt like there's a festival going on in there.

I shake my head softly, what's wrong with me? I blink the tears when it becomes unbearable, my stomach even feels like insects are eating my intestines. "what's wrong?" Hades asks, before I answer I place my hand on my stomach the pack of spaghetti falls out of my hand as I hold my head.

"Sit down" Hades stands up and I sit on the stool, unable to sit straight I place my head on the island, I hear Hades sighs before I feel myself being carried. I freeze and get ready to protest. I have bad memories from being carried.

I start to trash in his arms but he tightens his hold on me "Relax I'm not going to hurt you" he whispers, I don't relax immediately but I stop trashing so that I don't get dropped on the stairs.

Bad memories built fears in my head I watch every movement Hades makes as I lay motionless on the couch, my pounding head on the small orange pillow.

I'm awoken by the strange voices in the room, I open my eyes slowly, Hera has her hands crossed and a hip popped out. Zeus has both his hands pointed at Hades who has a sarcastic smile on and a strange lady who wears a white dress, her blonde almost white hair is packed to the side with a flowery band.

I try to sit up but a groan escapes my lips, all eyes snap to me, Hades smiles widely "Onyx--" Zeus starts and shoots Hades a glare who coughs when he laughs "Selene this is O--"

"I know who she is, I gave the old woman the paintings she was beginning to upset the balance of nature" Selene interrupts Zeus, She flashes her pearly whites teeth at me, I don't miss Hera rolling her eyes at Selene.

"What happened?" I ask as I pull my leg closer to my chest and hug them, "You're sick" Hades blurts out and ignores Zeus glares.

Hades moves closer and I shift deeper into the couch "You haven't been eating, You've been starving yourself. Honestly, are you trying to kill yourself?" I shake my head quickly tears gathering in my eyes.

They're going think I'm crazy, they're going to bully me "I'm not trying to commit suicide, I swear" I cry as I remember the scene in the hospital again.

She cuts herself when we're not home.

She doesn't think of me as her mother so she hurts herself to get her father's attention.

"I swear I don't hurt myself" the tears roll down, "I don't starve myself" I rub my eyes, Hades eyes soften "Hey, hey, Calm down" I continue muttering incoherent words, I scratch my wrists hiding my scars with my imagery shirt sleeves.

"Please believe me" I beg him with my eyes, hoping they would understand and not send me back with them.

"Please, I don't cut myself, I'm not suicidal" I cry, Zeus moves closer to me but I move away ready to run away "Shh" Hades sits on the couch and I hug my legs tighter, "Please, they'll hurt me" I cry more, Hades scoops me into his arms and I trash in his hold, he pats my back until I fall asleep again.

With one thought in my mind.

They're going to get me and no one is going to save me. 

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