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Darkness, fog, mist, vapor, gloom. Inability to perceive mentally.

Chapter 2: The maid.


I'm on a hard surface, a cold surface, and my whole body aches. With a soft groan, I open my eyes in the darkroom. Stare at the sliver bars and the green-ish walls.

Only a small window by the side. I'm in some kind of cell, the room opposite mine is empty except for the shattered bones on the floor. An eerie silence fills the room as I hear jingles on keys.

I move further to the side and pull my knees to my chest, my flimsy nightgown does nothing to keep me warm.

How did I get here? And where is here? I keep asking myself questions without getting replies.

Goosebumps form on my skin as the door to the cell is forced open. "Come out!" A voice grunts, I shake my head slowly, my should hurts from the arrow that was shot at me. "Come out little girl!" The voice snaps and I jump, I came out letting a little sob escape my lips.

A man wearing a black tank top stares at me his eyes lingering on my breast area, I fold my arms to protect myself and I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming at the pain that shoots on my shoulder.

The man walks and I take it as a silent 'follow' I stay at a safe distance behind him, this feels like an execution. The man suddenly stops and I bump into him, he faces me with a glare and I quickly move back. I couldn't see a thing everything is dark not even the light of the moon could be seen.

"Ah, there's the guest of honor" I hear a mocking voice. "Would you turn on the fucking light?" Another voice grumbles the man in front of me stays as still as a statue ignoring my teeth chattering with cold.

The light comes on and I stare at the three people in the room.

Two men and a woman. My heart races fast, I feel like there are here to pass on a judgement on me. "Hello love" I hug myself tighter as if it would protect me from any impending danger. I stare at my feet.

"So, you're probably wondering why I called you here" the man with black hair gets no reply, he rolls his crystal blue eyes in annoyance. "I was awoken from my nap with the news of a human wandering in my halls and here's the twist, the human wasn't dead. So I pounded and asked myself how is it possible for a human to come here without being dead," he gives a crazy grin as he snaps his fingers.

"And I decided to invite you here in the middle of the night to ask why a human is here" he takes a bow, the second man with brown hair steps forward but the other man sends him a glare. "I have to check her don't I?" The blued eyed man steps away.

The man stares at me with brown eyes, he smiles suddenly "She's our creation" I keep quiet the man with blue eyes faces the Brown-eyed man with raised eyebrows "After what she did we decided to create someone for you" what? Maybe I'm hearing things because of the cold.

"She's your responsibility" the lady finally speaks she looks like the brown-haired man, the blue-eyed man balls his fist "What?!" I jump at his thunderous tone.

"Did I fucking ask you? Did I cry to you for help?! When the fuck would you stop meddling in my business Zeus?!" I move into the darker part of the room scared he might take his anger out on me.

"Calm down, you're scaring her," the Zeus man says, but his words only seem to fuel the man's anger. The man suddenly holds me "Let me get this straight you created a human despite my  hate for them?"  I hold my sob as he presses on the cut Erica had given me which was yet to heal. "Hades!" The lady warns. "What Hera? I know you to be the smartest of them all I guess I was wrong my siblings are fucking idiots!" He drops my arm and paces angrily.

"When did you create her?"

"I'm guessing 22 or 23 years ago?" Zeus says. The Hades man faces me with a malicious grin. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions Love" I stiffly nod, I continue to stare at my feet.

"We'll start with my name" the man sighs, "I'm Hades" I still look down I feel his burning gaze on me, "Hades God of the underworld" my head shoots up, he stands at a full 6' something. I step back a little.

"Huh?" I stare at the crazy blue-eyed man.

"Hades. H. A. D. E. S. Hades" he spells and I've finally concluded that he's crazy.

"You're crazy," are the first words I utter, he narrows his eyes at him.

"I'm s-sorry" I quickly say, he gives a full-blown smirk. "That's better" He puts his arm around my shoulders as he stares at his siblings. "She's scared" he announces, Zeus gives him a look.

"And you know what I find fitting for her?" I try to move from his hold but he squeezes my hurt  shoulder and I cry out, Zeus moves to me but Hades moves us back "She's my gift isn't she?"

"Ha--" he raises his palm and Zeus keeps quiet while tears keep on rolling. "As I was saying" Hades continues completely ignoring my cry of pain. "She would be a perfect maid" and my heart drops to my stomach.

I stare at the man in fear, "No!" Zeus yells. "Calm down," Hades says. "She would fit as my personal maid"

"Oh and Hera?" Hera turns since she's few steps from what I'm guessing is the exit.

"I hope the door slaps you on your way out" she gives him a pointed glare but she turns and walks away true to his words the door almost slaps Hera but she dodges it. "Hades you can't do this to her" Zeus pleads, Hades raises his eyebrow in amusement.

"She's my gift brother" he dismisses his brother. "Bu--"

"Leave! Don't think this action of yours wouldn't go unpunished Zeus."

"I was just trying to help" Zeus cries, "That's the fucking problem! I. Don't. Need. Your. Help!" Hades pushes his brother and the floor swallows Zeus up. Hades faces me then calms his breathing. "Oh don't worry love he'll survive" he snaps his finger that the man the brought me here.

"Take her to the maids quarters" The man nods but Hades raises a finger with a twisted smile. "Since she's my personal maid. Make her room different. I want her far away from human communication" The man turns and I follow him.

I faintly hear Hades whistling a tune.

I try to catch up with the man's pace which is difficult because it feels like he's actually running.

He pulls out a bunch of keys and opens a wooden door, he switches on the light in the room "This is your room" I stare at the plain cream room, a purple duvet lays on the bed, a small table with a lamp on it and a bathroom connected to the room, I rub my arms as the AC slaps me hard.

"Now there are instructions to follow," the man draws my attention away from the room, "You have to get up as early as 6 am, you get only a single knock if you're not out of your room by 6:30 am after that Hades would deal with you. Follow all his orders without questions. And under no circumstances do you go into his room"

"Why?" I blurt out, he sends me a glare "Just stay away from his room" I flinch and nod quickly. "Clothes would be delivered here tomorrow morning" He slams the door without waiting for my reply, I sigh and lay on one side of the bed wondering if my family already knows I'm missing.

I blink the sleep in my eyes with sudden panic I sit up, I woke up late again this time Erica is going to burn me, then I remember I'm not home.

The clock on the wall says it's 7 am. I'm late, I'm late! What is he going to do to me? Oh, no I'm late.

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