billie: how about, we stay inside, and you let me touch your tiddies and kiss you forever

madison: how about no

billie: it's raining, we can't go anywhere

madison: we have a car

billie: no we don't

madison: dragon is literally outside

billie: pretend she's not outside. i'm tryna stay home

she turns to me and i lift her on the counter, kissing her lips.

madison: okay fine. only if you take off your bra

billie: no

madison: what if we go to my room

billie: possibly

madison: i'll let you put your hands all over my body

billie: maybe

madison: i'll let you go further

billie: depends on what further means

madison: let's go to my room and i'll show you what further means

billie: okay let's go

she laughs.

madison: let's play a game

billie: so no room?

madison: no.

i pout but replace it with a smile when she kisses me.

billie: what's this game you speak of

madison: okay. so we have to see how long we can go without being sexual today.

billie: oh god i'm already losing

madison: we're allowed to kiss. but anything further than that and you lose

billie: what happens if we lose?

madison: we'll think of a punishment for when the time comes

billie: i have a punishment in mind

i smirk at her and she rolls her eyes.

billie: so all we can do is kiss?

madison: well what else do you want to allow

billie: well let's see, hickeys

madison: i already have a bunch

billie: but they're fading

i look at her neck and graze my thumb over the faint love bites spread across.

madison: come on, control yourself

billie: i try

madison: try harder

i grin at her.

madison: starting from now.

billie: am i allowed to french kiss you?

she nods and i immediately close the gap between us, shoving my tongue down her throat. she moans and i pull back and look at her

billie: you're already losing baby


she walks over to the couch and folds the blanket then sits down, patting the spot next to her and looking at me. i walk over to her and she pulls me on her lap. i'm facing her and she grabs onto my ass

madison: you're losing

billie: this game sucks. i just wanna kiss you everywhere

madison: we just started

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