Day 4

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Shrek looked at Eric cartman roll dow the hill and smirked

"hee hee he cant die" said shrek

"Young mula baby" said announcer 2

"Shut up u unsustainable avoicado cunt that lil wayne's quote nigga" said president ice

"Shut up president snowflake you're white" said announcer 2

"Yes you don't have the n word pass" said Announcer 1

"Fuck you nigga" said President ice running away

Despacito was T Posing in the air and Satan tried to kill him but he just caught it by surprise he reloaded his pistol cocked it back and shot it twice.

Unfortunately Despacito is god because fuck you u cunts so therefore he survived, there I just solved racism. Eric cartman witnessed this and shit himself in fear. Meanwhile Chief Keef tried to fight Despacito by shooting his glock and Despacito but he T Pose and now Chief keef was so traumatised he overdosed on lean and died.


Cartman was happily eating a pizza he stole from an innocent bear, he also murdered it's parents. Nature is beautiful. Shrek was sleep and Despacito kept T posing. Satan was missing but he had been crying his asscheeks out because of how scared he was of Despacito.

Niggas dat died annonucement:

Chief Keef

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