Chapter 6 - The Headache

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Amity POV

I caught Luz as she fell, barely stopping her from slamming face first into the ground. The momentum from leaping off the bed threw me against my dresser and I smashed face first against a drawer. 

Blood started to drip from my nose as it angrily throbbed. I turned my head so my cheek was pressed against the cool wood and looked down at Luz, who was cradled in my arms. She was pale and her breath slightly labored. 

I picked her up in my arms and lay her down on the bed, rushing to the bathroom before I could get any blood on my clothes. Wincing at my reflection I washed my face gently, barely able to touch my nose. I let out a hiss of pain while patting it dry. 


Great jesus fuck. 

Unsure of what to do I paced my room, glancing at her every few seconds. She doesn't look good. Should I take her to the hospital? I can't carry her all the way there. Ed and Em are probably at their friend's house and I don't know how far away that is. I guess the only person I can call right now is... 

Scooping up my phone I searched through my contacts for the only person who would answer my call.


"Gus I need your help something's wrong with Luz and I don't know what to do my siblings are out and-"

"Woah woah woah, slow down Amity. Take a deep breath and tell me what's going on."

I quickly told him what happened before Luz passed out. There was a slight pause before he answered.

"So I assume you didn't call me just to catch up?"

"I don't know what to do."

"Well... How is her heartbeat?"

I stopped pacing my room and stiffened. 

"I don't know?"

"Then check?"

Sighing, I walked over to the bed and shifted my phone from my right hand to my left. The faint rise and fall from her chest told me she was still alive, but not much else. I brought my hand up slowly, trembling right over her heart as I bit my bottom lip. Pressing down gently I felt the heat radiating from her body through the thin fabric. There was a slow but steady thrumming, like the beat of an slow song. 

"You still there Amity?"

I jumped, surprised, as my phone flew from my hand and almost hit the window.

"Ow. Ear rape. I'm going to take that as a yes."

"S-Sorry!" I stammered, running around the bed to pick it back up. 

"Her heart sounds a little slower than normal, probably because she's passed out, but other than that fine. She does look rather pale though..."

"Do you want me to pick you guys up and drive you to the hospital?"

"...I guess so. If it's not too much trouble."

"Alright. Give me about 10 minutes."

Gus hung up, leaving me alone with Luz once again. I texted Ed that Gus was going to take us to the hospital.

[gus is taking me and luz to the hospital. nothing serious, just want to check something out.]

I gathered Luz in my arms, picking her up and taking her downstairs. Being careful not to bang her against anything I set her down on the living room couch. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Ed.

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