Chapter 2 - Luz Noceda

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I screamed, thrashing violently against the straight jacket and chains binding me. Letting out a stream of colorful Spanish profanity, I managed to rock the dolly over. The only problem was, my arms were restrained. I couldn't brace myself. 

Shutting my eyes and gritting my teeth, I felt myself tip to the left and braced for impact. After about 5 seconds I slowly opened them when I realized my face wasn't smashed into the cold tile floor. 

Staring back at me were two brilliant gold eyes. 


Amity POV

Oh my god.

I stared at Luz, our faces literally inches apart from each other. She has a surprised expression on her face, which quickly turns into a snarl. I shoot a quick glance at Willow, who has a smirk on her face. 

"Amity and Luuuuuuuzzzzzzzzz," she crowed. "They've got the hots for each oth-"

I whack her in the back of the head with Kimberly's clipboard.

"Now now girls," she chided, waggling a finger at us while propping Luz back up. "I have an important announcement to make!" Willow and I stop for a few seconds of giving each other death glares. 

"Luz needs a place to stay! Her parents are abroad and left her all by herself. Now, who wants to volunteer?" Kimberly patted Luz's cheek, completely oblivious to the fact that she had been trying to bite her hand. Boscha grinned at Willow, an evil smirk crawling onto her face. 

"She should stay with Amity," Giving me a sly grin, she leaned forward on her elbows, placing them on her knees. "After all, shes such a good influence on all of us! Right Willow?"

"WHAT? That psycho?!" I whipped my head to face her, distraught. I know we weren't like best friends or anything but this was borderline evil. 

Me, staying with that screaming wacko? God no.

Willow nodded in agreement, probably thinking of this as payback for whacking her. I gaped, not believing she was actually siding with Boscha. Freaking Boscha. "Totally agreed." She glanced at her phone. "Welp, I gotta bounce. My rides here."

Luz just glared at us, deciding not to speak. I snuck a quick glance again only to meet her dark brown eyes staring straight into my soul. With a shiver, I recrossed my legs and frowned at the ground.

Boscha sauntered over to Luz who was started to struggle in her chains as she approached. "Cya later cutie~" She blew her a kiss, only to flinch back as Luz suddenly shot her head out and tried to bite her. Laughing, Willow shoved her back and glanced at me. 

"Have fun, Calamity."

Kimberly made a disapproving noise in the back of her throat. She gestured for me to follow her outside, wheeling Luz along with us. When we got out I could see the orange and red streaked sky, littered with soft white clouds. Time had passed quickly this time.

"Well I'll leave you two out here to bond!" Smiling and patting us both on our heads, Kimberly hummed happily as she walked back inside. 

I crossed my arms and side eyed Luz, who had suddenly gone quiet. I shot a quick text to Ed asking him to pick me up. 

There is no way I'm going anywhere with her.

Almost as if she heard what I said, she huffed in annoyance and looked up at the sky. I leaned against the cold stone wall and glanced at my phone again. 

"The sky here is beautiful."

I jumped, looking around wildly for the source of the voice. "Was... Was that you?" I look at Luz warily, unsure if I was just hearing things.

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