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hi guys

i know its been like, two months since ive updated. and im deeply sorry about that.

lately ive just been really unmotivated to do anything. ive been spending more time doing schoolwork (which is a good thing) so i got caught up, only to start slipping again. my instagram has been absolutely FERAL with little to no attention given to my wattpad. ive been updating as much as my writers block has allowed me to (a few paragraphs maybe a week ago) and its kind of like,,..,,. a vicious cycle. i want to write > i havent updated in weeks > bone crushing shame/guilt > makes me unmotived > no writing > draw to relieve stress > wow i feel better lets write again ! > cycle renews

anyways, i apologize again. once i catch up with my work im going to try harder to work on the new chapter and break through my writers block. thank you for being so patient, and thank you to all the new people who decide to read my silly little fanfic *break dances* 

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