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"Their names are Harper Ella Nilsson and Jasper Dean Nilsson."

Benjamin was standing outside of their cerulean blue Range Rover waiting for Nova to bring his wife out of the infirmary with his newborn son and daughter. He was instructed by the tiny woman to stay outside to help get them into the car.

He was not exactly happy about it and being ordered to stay away from the love of his life and kids, but he understood the reason behind it. Huffing, he could feel himself getting impatient as it had been about twenty (20) minutes since his friend had gone in.

Just when he was going to make a move and go inside, the two (2) women stormed out of the building with the babies. From the irritated look on his wife's face, he could tell something happened when Nova was trying to help her out.

When they reached him, he pulled the backseat door open for Nova to strap in his son to his car seat and the same for his daughter. Turning to the huffing strawberry blonde, Benjamin placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Kitten, what's wrong? Did something happen to make you four (4) take so long?"

"Yes, one of the fucking trainee nurses were fucking try stop me from leaving and tried to say I forged Kyra's signature. She also had the fucking audacity to say that MY babies weren't actually mine! Can you fucking believe it?!"

After the words left Serah's lips, his angered spiked and his blood was boiling. He started grinding his teeth and could barely contain his temper. He mustered up the calm to ask his wife if she knew the name of the nurse.

"Emma Martin from what her nametag had said."

"Well, she is about to get a piece of my fucking mind. Bub, you two drive back to the castle and inform Ellie of this. I will not tolerate this display of blatant disrespect."

Nodding, he watched as the two (2) women got into the car and drove away. Now that they were gone Benjamin was able to show how pissed he actually was on his face. He did not want to show it in front of Serah as to not worry her.

Letting the hospital's doors slide open with a 'whoosh', then he walked in and scanned the front room.

Everyone that was currently there he knew and recognised, so he decided to ask one of them where he could find the woman he was looking for, instead of going on a wild goose chase.

Making his way over to the front desk, he smiled at the older woman who's name was Amelia, she was one of the nurses who helped them when Nova had just arrived. She was a sweet lady and always so kind.

He knew if he asked her, she would help him out and not ask or make a scene, knowing that he always did things with a good reason behind them.

"Hey Amelia, you look as lovely as ever."

"Hi darling, thank you and you don't look too bad yourself. What can I do for you? I know your gorgeous wife and kids just got discharged."

"It actually is about that."

Benjamin explained to her what he was told by his kitten and watched as the sweet lady's happy look exchange itself for a scowl. She started cursing quietly and looked up at the blonde man in front of her.

She expressed the reason for her irritability, that young nurse was always causing trouble and riling up patients who were being discharged. Flirting with any of the thralls or riders that came through the sterile doors. Even going so far to try to seduce Luke or Fang.

"Where can I find her?"

"She's most likely in storage room C. She's scheduled for checking inventory today."

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