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"The fuck do you want?"

Frowning, Nova opened her mouth to possibly make a snarky retort by the look of her face, but it was a good thing her husband stopped her.

Elias smiled sadly and told the blonde man that they wanted to apologise.

Gesturing in the direction of the main lounge, the three (3) went in and saw that it was empty, took their seats. Benjamin remained cold and frigid, but who could blame him at this point, to be honest.

Before any of them could open their mouths, The Queen of the Damned, herself walked into the room and took a seat.

Giving her a questioning look, Astrid rolled her eyes and explained to them that she was sent by Zia to be a mediator. In case a fight broke out between the two (2) men.

"Since everyone knows how you guys get when you start to argue, they sent me. We don't want to stress out poor Serah more than she already is. Also, Nova, you need to fix that fucking attitude that you have picked up out of nowhere. I don't care if you are my Queen, I do not tolerate disrespect to anyone unless it is well deserved. "

Benjamin leaned back in his seat and let his friend say her piece because she was not just speaking for him and his wife, but on the behalf of the entire club. They did not understand what happened to make the once sweet girl act like a sour wench.

"What attitude are fucking talking about?"

This question sent the Asian woman's eyebrows up into her hairline, along with the two (2) men in the room.

"That fucking attitude. You never use to curse that much and with such an aggressive tone, as well as you never used to disrupt an altercation by physically assaulting someone. You normally would try to calm both parties down and get them to talk in a level headed manner. The entirety of The Odin's Riders MC have all come to a silent conclusion that they do not respect you enough anymore for you to be our Queen." 

The younger woman's mouth dropped open in shock, she never expected that at all. Elias opened his mouth to argue but was cut off by an icy glare from Astrid.

"Elias and Nova, the pair of you have been slowly losing respect from the members and soon loyalty will be questioned. The two of you have already been brought up for evaluation by your own father. You were my best friend for all of my life, I cannot understand what has caused you to become someone unrecognizable in a short span of time."

The blonde man's words caused the younger one to tear up and start to cry. He did not even try to hide the fact that he was sad and heartbroken. Elias got up from his seat and threw himself into his former best friend's arms and wept.

"Benji, I am so sorry. I can't imagine how I treated you must have felt. I will never be able to apologise enough, but please forgive me. I don't want to lose you, you have been my best friend since we were in diapers and I can't imagine life without you."

Benjamin's heart melted and he knew at this moment that he could not stay man the crying man any longer. Pulling the taller man up, he embraced him in a tight hug and started to bawl as well.

They missed each other so much even though it was only a couple days since the falling out, but it was long enough for them. The two (2) men held one another for a few minutes, just letting their emotions out, not caring for the other people in the room.

"Oh, Ellie. I've missed you even though I was mad, I forgive you, my friend."

This made the younger man burst into a fresh set of tears and hold onto him tighter, whispering 'thank you' over and over again. Astrid leaned back and just smiled fondly at the pair as she knew it was a matter of time before one of them broke and they reconciled.

Elias and Benjamin separated. Now it was time to deal with the Queen of The Odin's Riders and figure out why she was lashing out at the world with her behaviour.

"Nova, talk to me. Why have you been so harsh towards everyone?"

Sighing, the younger woman's face dropped and she looked at her lap. She looked defeated and started to speak quietly.

"I became worried that the closer Serah got to giving birth to the twins, that everyone was going to forget about me, just like they did back at my sperm donor's club. I tried to hold it back but it just kept spewing out of me like liquid poison. I'm so sorry, there is no excuse for my behaviour."

Abandonment was always a humongous fear for both Lennox and Serah, they understood where she was coming from. The three (3) stood up from their seats and made their way over to Nova and grabbed her into a group hug.

Benjamin was the first (1st) one to talk, he explained to her that how she was feeling was very much valid, but the way she expressed it was the problem. She needed to apologise not only to his wife but the entire club because her behaviour affected them all.

Nodding, she begged for them to understand that she knew what she did was wrong now. Astrid ruffled her hair and smiled fondly.

"You're forgiven, I had my phone connected to the sound system and was broadcasting for them all to hear. Don't worry, they love you, though you will need to show them through action that you are truly sorry. What I told you was true, their respect for you went down, now its time for you to work for it back." 

Looking at the three (3) of them in the eye, she said with a confident tone, "I will do whatever I have to earn their trust and respect again. I never wanted to lose it in the first place."

Light footsteps were heard approaching the lounge that they were occupying. Soon in the doorway, Serah appeared, her hazel orbs locking on to the grey-eyed woman, she made her way over to her.

"My little star, why did you not just come to me or anyone else in the club about the issues you were holding in? We are all here for you, I thought we showed you that."

Benjamin, Elias and Astrid realised that the two (2) women needed a moment of privacy, so they let them know that they would be in the kitchen if they needed them. Nodding, the strawberry blonde focused her attention back on the younger woman.

Holding her hand in her lap, she looked at and tried searching her face for any emotions that she was not vocally displaying. All she could see was raw sadness and guilt, nothing else which made her happy because that meant she wasn't feeling angry anymore.

"I'm sorry, I know I should have came and spoken to you. I really wanted too but then I thought about how much stress you were already under and I did not want to add on anymore. Ultimately that failed because look what we did to poor bubb- I mean Benjamin."

"You can call him, bubba now. He's no longer upset with you and I'm sure he misses you calling him that. It's his favourite nickname that he has received from anyone besides me."

That sentence brought a smile to the brunette's face and she started to look like her old self again. She then said, "I'm sorry, you know. I was truly being selfish and did not realise until everyone  placed it right in front of me."

Serah hugged her tightly, well as tightly as she could with her pregnant belly and murmured, "It is okay, I forgive you. My little star, I love you."

"I love you too."

Separating, the pair smiled at one another and then got up.

"Let's go join the crazy bunch hmm?"


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