Chapter 6

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This chapter can be a little confusing. there are three perspectives. Nesta, Cassian and Elain. And I didn't get much time so I have kind of broken this in two parts. I'll write the next one soon. Thank you for your patience. Please read on...


I am shivering again, it's impossible to make it stop, I am shuddering, gasping. "GET ME OUT" kicking and pushing but I am trapped. Dark energy is whispering to me and I can't help but listen. "Nesta. Nesta. Nesta." I feel all my energy draining but I can't. Make it stop. I can't! I can't. my body is trembling and I am crying, raging. And then suddenly I feel someone cradling me, with arms around my shoulders, my face on the chest, and feeble mutterings. "You are okay, it's okay, I am here Nes, you are going to be okay." There's only one person who calls me that. I don't need to open my eyes to see Cassian. But I open them to see where I am. The room isn't familiar but i can hear Feyre, Rhysand and everyone downstairs, murmuring. I am in there estate. And then look up at him, I am on the bed, blanket covering all of me, my head against his chest and my body fully inclining into him, his arms are around my shoulders holding me closer. His eyes are closed.

 He saved me.

 I remember falling down unconscious when no one had tried to even take a look at me. But he did. The last thing I felt was him carrying me up. His eyes open a bit as if he felt me watching him, His eyes roam over my face in concern, I must be a mess, with all the crying, and how weak I feel. I don't want to but I try to push him, I don't want him to see me like this, nobody has seen me like this, And now he has, And he hasn't let go. yet. That makes me cry more so instead of letting the tears fall, I hug him, and feel him hug me tighter, I was scared. Today those people could have died because of me. Me, My unnamed powers and anger.  I try to reign in my thoughts, trying to hear Cassian's soothing. I need silence. I feel him pushing my hair back that were sticking to my wet eyes, running his hand again and again through them, It feels almost relaxing and so I don't tell him to stop. "I am here with you, no one's gonna hurt you." 

I don't tell him it's always me who hurts people. I don't tell him how his people could have died because of me. I don't tell him that he should hate me. I don't tell him how glad I am that he doesn't. I don't tell him how much I want to but can't stop myself from pushing him away. I don't tell him that I don't care if he is a bastard born and I never ever saw him that way. I don't tell him how much more he is to me then he thinks he is. I don't tell him and instead just let myself snuggle closer to him and sleep. 


I relax when her breathing turns normal, she is finally deep into sleep. I look over at her, her hands wrapped around my waist, Her hair sprawled over my chest and and her face somewhere between them. I chuckle. Who would have thought that Nesta Archeron. The fiesy Nesta, who literally has only the bad things to say, whose anger cracked up the whole Windhaven could look cute. Well I never knew. I pull her closer to me. Smelling her beautiful scent. It's all Vanilla and Rose water perhaps. But all I know is that its captivating. 

Today i did saw a different Nesta, A nesta who just like everyone has fears and needs comfort. It doesn't surprise me because I knew her. I knew she just hides her true self. She just doesn't want to show anyone. She doesn't want anyone to know she is weak, only if she knew that she actually isn't. Fear doesn't make a person weak. It enhances them, tells more about them but I can't stop feeling worried. I saw her gasping in between sleeps. Does that happen a lot? I want to know. I wanna be there the next time it happens, so she doesn't have to be alone.  I hear footsteps coming up and pull myself back, Letting her fall a little on the bed and jump out of bed just as the door opens. 

Feyre and Elain enter and I can tell Elain hasn't stopped crying. Elain rushes over to her but I stop her. She looks at me with her innocent eyes, sniffling. I give her a sad smile. "She just slept, she had a nightmare, we should let her sleep." Feyre nods and they just sit across from her. Both of them holding on of her hands. I let them be and nod to the High lady. Giving them their privacy. 


The thing about being a Seer is that you need to have to feel it to know what it is and your focus should be on it. It's not exactly I can feel every wrong that is happening and only when I want to, or when my mind isn't my own, which is less often. And maybe that's why I didn't feel or see it happening. I was with Azriel in the garden, telling him about the new blue hydrangeas I had planted, he was listening, sipping his tea, when I first felt it. Azriel looked at me frowning. I shook my head trying to ignore it. I didn't let my mind focus on it for long, I didn't want to feel the misery that time. I just wanted to simply enjoy, I wanted to be a little selfish and share some happy moments. Some time later, after Azriel said goodbye and went off to do his routine errands.  I was walking back to my room, when I felt her cry of utter agony. It was so strong, for a minute I thought I was going to collapse if it weren't for Feyre who put her hands on my shoulders to give me strength. "Nesta!" I said my voice a whisper, tears already coming down my cheeks. Feyre looked at me, her eyes widening,  when I concentrated to see more. "May I?" She asked and I nodded. I allowed her into my mind and when we saw Nesta lying on the ground, I just couldn't see more, I fell, unable to breathe. Rhys appeared a second later as if Feyre had already called for him. They stared at each other for a bit, it looked like Feyre was sharing what she saw with him. Feyre reached beside me. "We'll get her back. Please be here." I only nodded and they were off. 

And now it's been almost two days since they got her back, things have been turning worse. Nesta is still in her room, trying to reign in her powers. She doesn't allow anyone in, except when Cassian forcefully enters trying to get her to eat. Cassian always comes out as if she just ate him up instead and then after a while we hear her vomiting. This isn't going very well. She doesn't eat, doesn't talk, just rages in silence. Like always. 

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