Chapter 19

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Steady my dear, hold back your steps, for you might jump into mud, a mud that would make you filthy. You would't want that now, would you?


I couldn't not do anything. It's been 3 hours since I was sent off in to the house of wind, where Elain and Amren sat, journal in Elain's hands, as she read over to me for the 100th time what our stupidity has caused the whole town.

 A civil war! 

Something that started off as a small fire, just remaining within gossip limits, had now turned into a wildfire where actions were put in front. And the people from the hewn city pronouncing unannounced in the city was like an uproar, so much to be taken care of. The situation would be out of limits soon in the Illyrians if the hewn city got to know that Cassian had disobeyed an order. The High Lord's order, and Rhysand wouldn't be able to protect him, when all the Illyrians would ask for justification. Keir wasn't someone who wouldn't want to take advantage of this situation, he mostly would spread bad rumors that the High lord is incapable of managing his city, and would want the Illyrians to side with him. And well how can someone forget how awful Mor's relationship with her family is. Morrigan's relationship with her father and mother is extremely poor; her father is verbally, emotionally, and was in the past physically abusive towards her. As she has no relationship with her mother even, it can be assumed she holds her mother in the same contempt with which she holds Keir. The two are antagonistic towards each other whenever they meet in person. She must be raging. who am I kidding, I saw the look on her face, she was in a hyper hell mood. Juts not what Rhysand would want to deal with. Mor has her own estate in Athelwood, Elain had told me that Azriel was told to accompany Mor, and stay along with her as far as the situtaion requires. Because Mor left out when, the dark bringers roam around the city was far more dangerous.And with Azriel along, it would only mean war. So they both were told to stay away.  Cassian made me swear to not move out of House Of Wind. It wasn't because I needed protection but perhaps because he knew i'd let myself tangle into some messy business. And right he had his plates full, he said while pointing at Rhysand who wasn't even meeting Cassian's eyes. Feyre was with the Keir and his troops, making sure they are keeping their hostile nature in check here. She indeed has a duty of being the hostess, showing the other lands, their very own City of Dreams. And no one maybe except for the High lady or the High Lord can actually describe this marvelous city. 

I don't sit, I cannot sit, It all happened, because I flew away, I was the one who was trying to go nowhere with the powers I had, and Cassian had tried to find me. But it was true that Cassian was still going to climb the Ramiel this season, with or without me, It just so happens, things are now coming rushing down at us. 

Well did I care though? Should I care? Should I at least pretend that i do? What good will that be! I sat on the couch, finally taking in a deep breath, I side glanced at the book placed on the table nearby, and went through it. It was something in ancient proverbs, It must be Amren's. I was surprised to find out that I could in fact read what was written. It was surreal. the book was about some high paved prejudices and ancient history on the lands of Prythian. I knew what I would want to read about. I went through the book, trying to find a heading titled as Ramiel, when I heard Amren's voice. "I need to leave this place, I need to see for myself what these fools are doing.' She said this to no one in particular but as I was in the earshot, I heard her muttering some abuses.

 "I'll come with you." I stood up, gripping the book tightly in my hands. 

"No you won't, Not with me." Not this right now...

"Look I am not coming for you. I want to go there, because I am not the kind of person who doesn't do anything to clean up the mess she made." 

 She looks me up and down, taking me down with her eyes. But I didn't even so far as blink. She notices the book, but doesn't comment anything. "I always knew you were trouble."

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