Chapter 1

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Hey y'all, here is the first chapter, I am not sure if you'll like it or not but I hope you do. We love Nessian right? Give this a read and tell me if you don't fall for them more. I appreciate your feedback, and i'd love to read the comments. Now smile and read ahead, Cassian's gonna sweep you off your feet.
(Finally separated the paragraphs)

"And where." Nesta asked, her voice mercifully icy, "am I supposed to go?"

And for once, the Illyrian warrior wasn't grinning as he said, "You are coming with me to the Illyrian Mountains."

There was no sound for around a minute as she took in what he said, What Feyre said about moving out of Velaris. It wasn't a question, it was a statement and with the thickness and order with which it was said she knew not to argue further.
She has already pushed the High Lord on the edge and there was no way Feyre would step in between now. 

Nesta sucked in a deep inhale of air, it felt bitter, almost venom-full and unfortunately too good for her coldness, harshness. She sat up straighter, making up her mind that maybe it was for better. She has been to the mountains before, the circumstances totally different from what they are now but The mountains even in that chaotic scenario held the stagnant moral of serenity, solitude and that's what she needed, she wanted to stay away.

She has had enough of their pity and feeling the shame of asking for money, gambling with their money was a long way from home. She tried to feel it, feel a lot many things but her rage and ignorance overpowered her every emotions. Elain, was happy here, with her flowers, garden, cooking, with Feyre and their whole inner circle. But Nesta never fit in. How would she, if she didn't even want to. The only person she ever felt -- She shifted her glance to Cassian and as if it just hit her, she scowled, with him. She was going with him? She knew Cassian's past hasn't been the best, he was an Illyrian bastard, born to one of the Illyrian warrior and an Illyrian laundress. He was never accepted as a true Illyrian, he still isn't.

He was still looking at her, when she realized everyone was.
She felt sick, almost on the verge of puking all over the plush marble even thinking how low he was considered even when he gave his all, he gave his everything. Both of them were looking at each other, Cassian with wary written all across his face as if he knew she's gonna say no.

When she realized everyone was looking at them, she exclaimed "When?" Rhys frowned a bit, and had a questioning gaze all over his face along with the others. She cleared her throat again, "When do I need to leave?" Feyre's eyes almost softened and Amren's eyes grew wide as if amazed she relented that easily.

Nesta held her stare, pondering whether to say something to her, she was sorry, she really was about what had happened that night, she regretted it the moment it left her mouth, but she couldn't, couldn't get herself to realize it would cost her, her only friendship. Was it friendship?

Cassian relaxed in his seat a bit, as if he had thought that she wouldn't give in without a fight, but still was wary about it, cause he knew she wouldn't have said yes. Nesta wasn't stupid. She knew when, how and what to take a fight for. All the odds were against her, and she wouldn't have won this one. Hazel eyes met hers and she scanned his face, there was no smile on his face as he said marking the first word,

"We leave today. And as it seems that you don't even consider anyone here worth your good bye, and as no one feels that you are worth theirs. We should probably hurry. You aren't worth anything as it is. And as I am giving up my time for you, you better respect it."

Nesta went rigid. She couldn't move or blink, the hurt was deep, it sucked the air out of her, for the first time in almost 10 years she wanted to cry, she wanted to cry like a fragile useless soul and beg for his forgiveness and ask him to be nice to her.

She wanted to slap him, claw his eyes out and then kiss this devil out of him, this wasn't him, this was her, and she didn't want him to be her.

Feyre's sharp intake of breath didn't go unnoticed by anyone and Rhys' eyes widened too, She can bet it wasn't often Cassian ever even lifted his voice at anyone, he was a person who would smile and laugh along with a complete stranger even when he didn't know the reason for their joy. 
And so Nesta didn't dare see him, look at his eyes that were filled with such hate for her, she just couldn't. She wouldn't allow him to look at her like that. She swore on the goddamn cauldron she wouldn't.


I watched her mouth as it opened to say something, but then closed.
I was pissed. Sorry, I was enraged. I have had enough of her coldness, it was time she tastes her own medicine.
No one deserves her bitchiness, and no one knew how to handle it, so I took it upon myself to take care of that, because somewhere we are the same, I feel like I am responsible for her.

I knew the decision we had made would take her off guard, Living in the Illyrian mountains was tough, huh that's an easy word for what a life there is. There is no pity there, no sorrows, no spoiled princesses, no weak souls, no rule breakers. It is for those who face reality with a rage, a decision, a life meant to protect and defend, a warrior made to fight. It was me who thought and discussed this idea with others cause I think, no, I know that Nesta was made for this. And she needs this more than anything. She is clueless on what to do with herself and her hatred. Her wrath needs to be tamed. She has it in her, she has the fire that needs to be kept burning not ceased, but she needs to be exposed on how to always let it burn to warm others, not to boil them.

Her rage, hatred, and guilt about being so indifferent eats her up. And oh she hides it well, But I have seen her tear up when she covered me with her body to protect me, selfless, she was selfless that moment, I have felt that wall breaking down when I had first kissed her, I have heard her approval of pleasure when her neck had met with my mouth in that mortal house.

I was probably lost in these thought when I saw Nesta standing up. She took a step forward towards me, her eyes speaking volumes, I didn't understand, I was trying to read her expressions when she lowers her volume, gives me her hand and says,

"Take me there Cassian. Take me away from here."

I looked at her slender arms, her long beautiful fingers, her small wrists, her eyes, as I shut my own to listen to what she said again. I stood up from the chair and instead of taking her hand, I gave her mine, she didn't take her eyes away from our joined hands and gripped it tight, with one nod from her, I was quick to get out the door, to the garden and into the sky, not caring if anyone called out to us, barked out our names, and shouted at us to stop.

AHAH! So that's the first chapter you guys, I hope you are all looking forward to the next.

Thanks @elmedinahere for the winnowing part. I completely forgot about that.

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