Mystic Falls

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Caroline's POV
     After 15 hours of driving, i arrived in Mystic Falls. I went to my house, and put my suitcase in my room. I then drove to Kat's house. It is a big White House, with pillars. I arrived and knocked on her door. A few minutes later, she opened the door.
    She said, " Hey, what are you doing here?"

     I couldn't say anything. I hugged her, and then the water works started. We went inside, and stood there in the foyer. She was rubbing my back to calm me down.

   After fifteen minutes, I stopped crying. I wiped my tears, and said, " I kissed Klaus. Bekah found out from Davina, before I could tell her. She stormed off, and I just couldn't stay there knowing I brought a rift between Klaus and his little sister."

    She said, " Wait, you and Klaus kissed?"

    I said, " Yes. But nothing else happened between us. I just needed to talk to you."

   She said, " Okay. Well, let's make some dinner, and then you can spend the night here."

   I nodded, and we made some dinner. We ate dinner, and talked. I then went to my room, I have here. I got a shower, and changed into my pjs. I have clothes here, and at Stefan's house, in case I stay over there. I laid down, and fell asleep.

The next morning.
   I woke up, confused as to where I am. Then I remembered, that I stayed at Kat's house. I got up, and put on my strapless black dress, and my black heels. I then went downstairs to the kitchen, and seen Kat wasn't awake yet. I made some bacon and eggs.

      When I was finished, Kat came downstairs and said, " Morning."
    I said, "  Morning. I figured I would make us breakfast."

    She got some coffee, and said, " If you keep cooking, I might never let you leave."

    We laughed and sat down, and ate breakfast. Someone then came in the front door, and came into the kitchen. It was Stefan. He said, " Caroline. I heard what happened."

     He came over and hugged me. I said, " Im fine, Stef. I swear."

    He nodded, and Kat said, " So what are we doing today?"

   I shrugged, and Stefan said, " Well, we could watch movies all day."

    I nodded, and same as Kat. We went to the living room, and sat down. Stefan then turned on, ' Law and Order: SVU.' It's our current tv show, obsession. We love this show.

     Five hours later, we stopped watching tv, and got our showers. Stefan ordered pizza for dinner. We changed into our pjs, and went downstairs to the living room. Pizza came, and we ate and watched the show.

    After five more episodes, we finished the pizza and Stefan left. We then went to our rooms, and went to sleep. It was nice to have a day with my friends.

Klaus's POV
    It has been two days, since she left. I have been upset ever since. Bekah and I aren't talking at all. I don't know what to do. I go to the bars every night and drink. I have nothing else to do. Elijah keeps trying to get me to see some city council meetings, but I won't go. Kol, and Marcellus are trying to get me to have some real fun, but I won't.

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