Halloween Faction Party

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Caroline's POV
     It has been 2 weeks, since Klaus and I kissed. I have been trying to avoid him. He keeps wanting to talk with me, and I make up excuses. I know I can't avoid him forever, cause well he lives here. I just don't know. Kat and Stefan left a week ago. Today is Halloween. Anyways, I woke up, and put on my red dress with my red heels. I then went downstairs and walked to the kitchen, but someone grabbed my arm.

    I turned around, and it was Klaus. I said, " What?"

    He said, " Why are you avoiding me, love?"

     I look into his deep ocean blue eyes, that are so damn dreamy. I shake my head and said, " I'm not avoiding you."

   He said, " Really? Cause when I try and talk to you make an excuse. Every time I walk into a room, you don't even bother making eye contact with me. What's going on, Caroline?"

    I spotted Davina behind Klaus. I said, " Nothing."

    I then walked around Klaus, and walked over to Davina. I said, " Davina!"

   She looked at me, and seen Klaus behind me. She had her eyebrows raised. I said, " Don't. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

   She said, " Rebekah wanted to talk to me."

    I said, " Well, let's go find her."

   She nodded, and we walked upstairs and to Bekah's room. We walked in and Bekah was coming out of the bathroom, dressed. She said, " Hey, girls."

Davina said, " You wanted to talk."

Bekah said, " Yeah. I was about to get Caroline, but since she is here. So, my family does a Halloween party every year, same as Christmas, and New Years. This years theme is Factions."

Davina nodded, and I said, " What do you mean?"

Bekah said, " My mother has this thing with Supernaturals. Every five years, we have a Faction Halloween party. There are the Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Originals."

I was confused, I said, " Originals?"

Davina said, " Basically, there is the Original Vampires, the Original witch, and The Original Hybrid. The hybrid is half Vampire, Half Wolf."

I said, " So, what are is your family going to be?"

Bekah said, " Elijah, Kol, Finn, Father, and I are going to be the Original Vampires. Mother is going to be the Original Witch. Davina and Freya is going to be witches. Nik is going to be The Original Hybrid. You are going to be a Vampire."

I said, " Okay. So, I need a costume."

She said, " Yes. We are all going to need some dresses. Freya should already be downstairs. Let's go."

We nodded, and went downstairs. Freya was in the courtyard. We then walked out to the cars. Freya and Bekah went in Bekah's red Tahoe. Davina and I got in my car. We then went to the mall to look for dresses. On the way, Davina said, " So, what's going to between you and Klaus?"

I said, " Didn't I tell you not to ask!"

She said, " So, there is something to tell."

I said, " Fine. Two weeks ago, when we went to that Club with Kat. Klaus showed up, and shoved the guy, I was dancing with off of me. I went back to the house, and he followed. He told me why he did it. Then I went to bed. I couldn't sleep, so I went to the kitchen ash got some water. He showed up there. He made some tea, and gave me some. We then may have kissed."

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