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Caroline's POV
    It has been 2 months since Halloween. Christmas is coming up in 2 weeks. The Annual Mikaelson Christmas Party is on Christmas Eve. Anyway, I woke up to someone opening the curtains. The light was shining in on my face. I groaned and the person said, " Get the bloody hell. Up!"

     It was Bekah. I said, " What do you want?"

    She said, " For you to get up, and Explain!"

   I sat up, and said, " Explain what?"

    She said, " Explain what I going on between you and my brother."

    I said, " Which brother?"

   She said, " Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly which one I am talking about. But if I need to jog your memory, you kissed this one."

    I said, " Klaus. Davina told you?"

   She said, " It doesn't matter who told me. It matters that you kissed my brother, and never told me. I had to find out from someone else. Now, what is going on between you and Nik?"

   Before I could answer, someone knocked on my bedroom door. Bekah said, " Get the bloody hell in here, Nik."

    Klaus then came in the room, and closed the door. He said, " What's going on?"

     Bekah said, " I want to know what is going on between you both!"

    I said, " Bekah, I wanted to tell you. I just didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want Klaus to lose you. You are like a sister to me, I didn't want to lose you either. But I would rather not have Klaus lose you. That's why I didn't tell you. Yes, we kissed, but that was 2 months ago, Bekah. Nothing, is going on between us."

     Klaus said, " Caroline is right. Nothing is going on. She wanted to talk to you, before anything serious happened between us."

    Bekah then walked out of the room. Klaus looked at me, and I shrugged. I then got out of bed, and followed Bekah out of the room. I said, " Rebekah. Wait!"

    She reached the stairs, and said, " You both deserve each other. Date, what do I care!"

   I said, " Bekah, come on. Let us talk."

    She said, " Why should I? Either way, you and Nik would find a way to be together. Just leave me alone."

    She then ran downstairs and out the door. I just stood there, dumbfounded. Someone put there hand on my shoulder, and said, " Love."

     I turned around and faced him. I said, " Don't."

    I then walked down the hallway, and to my room. I didn't know what to do. I decided to go back to Mystic Falls. I packed my stuff, in a suitcase. I put on my yoga pants, and my blue crop top, and my black heels. I then grabbed my suitcase, and went downstairs and to my car. I put my suitcase in the trunk, and went to the drivers side to get in. But someone put their hand on the door, to stop me from opening it.

    It was Klaus. He said, " Where are you going, love?"

   I said, "I'm going back to Mystic Falls. Look, I caused this between you and Bekah. It might be best if I leave. Bye, Klaus."

    I then opened the door, and got in my car. I drove down the street, and out of New Orleans. 

Klaus's POV
    She drove down the street. I went inside, and Elijah said, " What's going on?"

    I said, " Caroline left. Bekah is angry. It's all my fault! I am the one that made this happen."

   He said, " What did you do?"

    I said, " I kissed Caroline one night, and she doesn't want anything to happen, until she talks with Bekah. But Rebekah found out from someone other than Caroline. Rebekah is now mad at both me and Caroline. Caroline left cause she thinks it's her fault. I lost the most important women in my life, and I'm doing fine, brother."

    I walked passed him, and upstairs. I went to my wing, and to the office. I then started throwing everything I can find.

  Rebekah's POV
      I went to Davina's apartment. I talked with her, and went back to the house. I walked inside, and Kol said, " Well done, sister. You drove away your only friend."

    I said, " What?"

    He said, " Caroline left. Nik is pissed off, and throwing any thing he puts his hands on."

   I sighed and went upstairs and to my room. It's my fault, I drove away my best friend, and my brother all because I was pissed at them. They wanted to be together, I shouldn't of gotten mad.

Best Friends Brother (Klaroline)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora