Plain Sailing never lasts as a Demigod

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I have never felt so disgusting in my life. I felt my hair be pulled away from my face and held out of the way as Nico rubbed my back and reassured me it was okay. I couldn't tell if it was morning sickness or sea sickness that caused it either way I hated how disgusting this situation had made me feel. More importantly I hated that it ruined a rare moment of reprieve for us demigods. It did however reenforce the fact that while I do deep down love my father I hate his domain.

When my stomach decides to stop doing acrobats I leave back into Nico's chest as he sits behind me on the bathroom floor.

"Sorry about that" I wiggly apologised hiding away from him as best I could in our position.

"Don't be, I think we should try get some semblance of freesh air above deck? How's that sound?"

"Is that really a good idea given you know me and water not getting along?"

"You seemed okay earlier during the kraken attack"

"That's different I thought we were gonna die"

"Ive been meaning to properly ask... what was that earlier by the way?"

"What was what?"

"The glowing white eyes and sire like voice just walking towards the front of the ship while waves crashed around us and it all just looked like it didn't even phase you. Even Percy was struggling to hold on but you... just walked through like a... like a god!" He states at me bewildered!

"I dunno what to tell you, I've no idea what you're talking about!" I replied confused.

"You really don't remember?" He questioned a wave of worry washing over face. "It was alike both you and the creature because bewitched by the words and melody. It was powerful, even I could feel it's draw. It's was like you were a siren"

I just froze unsure of what to say. All I remembered was watching everyone struggle to combat the beast. We looked like we were going to be defeated before our quest even begun. I remember my chest feeling heavy, you know in that way it does before you have a panic attack, I was seconds away from hyperventilating and trying to find a weakness so we could survive the attack... next thing I knew I was waking up in my cabin sore and cold. I have no memory of what happened in between...but I wish I did cause if that was a skill I could into in any fight... I'd be slightly less worried about the outcome of this quest.

I just shrugged off Neek's comments, there was no need to worry about the past right now. If this siren voice is something I can tape into I'll learn to use it in my own time. I took his hand as we walked through the silent corridors everyone must have been asleep. We strolled up the steps onto the deck. The night air was cold and sent a shiver down my spin. As we walked towards the helm to see a sleepy Grover fast asleep beside the helm as piper held the Ships wheel staring out into the nights sky.

"Hey pipes" I smiled warmly.

"Oh my gods thanks you! I feel like I'm about to keel over with exhaustion minutes after we started our shift Grover past out and have been sleeping like a baby" she rambled exasperatedly. As I looked at her features closely I slowly realised she was paling wet and hair was dripping down her face. "It's been a little stormy but it's calmed down" she noted.

"Go get some sleep. Leave Grover if he hasn't woken your entire shift he's out for the count" Nico said taking over the helm.

I gave piper a soft nod as she walked down the steps heading back to her cabin to rest. I stood near Nico resting my head in his shoulder as I looked out into the nights sky. Watching the stars dance across the sky, the ocean seemed to have calmed down. The smell of the sea air was oddly comforting, for possibly the first time in my life I felt comfortable being near my rather domain. Made me feel like he was looking out for me. I know that's an odd thing for a demigod to say but it was true. Being this close to the sea made me feel closer to Poseidon.

"It's so quiet" I whispered as an other shiver ran down my spine.

Next thing I knew Nico was placing his aviator jacket over my shoulders.  Looked up at him slightly confused.

"Firstly you were shivering and no I'm not an expert but I doubt that good for either of you" he states pulling me closer to him leaving one hand resting on my stomach. "Secondly, don't jinks us. We never get quiet moments, not really. Enjoy it while we can"

I couldn't help but smile at him, attempting to be serious and wise.

"Okay" I states resting my head against his shoulder again I felt him gently place a kiss in my forehead before he looked back out into the vast darkness of the night sky.

Hey sorry it's short I'm kinda just having some serious writers block with this how lockdown scenarios going on in Ireland over Covid-19 so my creativity has kinda just been sapped out of me but I  am happy with how this turned out even if it took me a while to get it done. I'm hoping to start posting every second week and working my way up to a weekly upload kinda deal. But for now I hope he enjoy this short scene.

Waves and Bones (A Nico di Angelo love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang