Evermore | Felix

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| based on the song : evermore by : Dan Stevans |

He was the one who had it all, the master of his fate. He thought he never needed anybody in his life but he learned the truth too late.
It has only been two days ago you passed away, a cruel death caused by pirates.
The lost boys were just a second too late...
Too late to save you from death...
Covered in blood you laid there, lifeless, blood slowly flowing from your throat.

The captain's sword covered in your blood, the red thick liquid slowly dripping from the tip of it.
The most devilish smirk on his face as he saw the broken facial expressions from the lost boys staring at your body, but the one the captain enjoyed most was the second in command's, Felix's.

Felix would never be able to shake away the pain.
Every time he closes his eyes he sees you, the memories from the first time you got to Neverland, to the hunts you two did together and secretly meeting up at dead men's peek to watch the sunset.
And then, the moment the pirates took you away, he ran after them as fast as possible hurting most pirates he could to get you back but you disappeared.
Disappeared to follow a tragic death.
The memorie of you, laying dead on the deck made him break apart every single time.

He let you in, let you steal into his melancholy heart letting you make it a lovely place again.
But your death is more than he can bear.
He rages against the trails of love, becoming dark and cold. Closing himself from the rest, even from peter.
He stayed in his tent for hours, days, weeks sometimes even months.
He curses the fading of the light.
Though you've already flown so far beyond his reach, you're never out of sight.

A small rolled up paper he always kept on the Inside of his cloak, in a pocket against his chest at the place his heart hides behind.
A drawing of you he made on the first so called date the two of you had.
He had it under his pillow when you were still around but since you left he kept it in his pocket, close to his heart, next to it a ring that was supposed to be around your finger.
He was never able to give it and tell you how much you mean to him...
His heart that was in a million pieces and he knew he was never able to get the pieces back together.

But he know you'll never leave him, even as you faded away from view.
You will still torment him, calm him, hurt him.
Move him, inspire him and be a part of everything he does, and come what may.
But now he's just wasting in his lonely tent, waiting by an open door.
he'll fool himself that you'll walk right in, and as the long. Terribly long nights begin he spends them thinking about all that might have been.

He'll be waiting for you, for evermore.

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