Saved by a demon | pt. 2 | peter pan

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A shock well it felt like it. went through your body. You leaned to your side and spit water out.
You gasp for air. "You should never go out on the water at night." A thick British accent said. It made your heart flutter and cheeks turn from as white as the snow to a dark pink color.
You looked to your other side to see a boy kneeled down next to you.
His hair was swooped over his forehead perfectly. His green orbs looked into your Y/E/C ones. There was a kind of worry to be found in his facial expression.
His eyebrows were pulled together which made clear he was worried. "I had no choice, it was going on that little boat or die."

You sat up slowly, still dizzy from being pulled around in the water.
You looked good at the boy again and saw that he was holding the side of his belly, around his hand was a red color to be found.
Blood. He's bleeding.
"No choice?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"My father's ship, the Joly Roger. It was sinking because of the mermaids, they attacked us. My father had put me in the boat, he said he'd come with me but he didn't. He stayed and fought. Then he fell overboard and...well the mermaids took him."

"So Captain Hook is your father?" He asked clearly with disgust in his voice. You nodded. "Y/N right?" He now smirked.
"Yeah, sorry, who are you?" You asked confused. How could he know who you are? "Oh Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm peter, Peter Pan."
You were shocked. The one and only Peter Pan, the demon boy your father always warned you for saved you.

You've been saved by a demon.

You crawl away while trying to stand up. "No need to be scared pup, if I would do something to you I would've let you die."
He stood up offering you his hand to help yourself up. You slowly reached yours to his and took it.
He helped you up while hurting himself. "You're wounded, you need help." You said wanting to take away the hand that covered the place he's wounded.
"I'm fine darling." He lied. He didn't want help, not from a girl. "No you're not, let me help you. Is there a place we can go to fix that?"
"My camp." He said. "Then we go there, can you show the way?" You asked sweetly. He nodded.

You two went to his camp but it was a long way because of two reasons.
One, it was deep in the woods. Two, pan walked even slower then a snail.
You took his right arm and lay it over your shoulders. "What are you doing?" He asked wanting to pull away his arm but you didn't let him.
"Helping." You put your arm around him and lay it on the other side of his belly, you made sure didn't brush with your body against his wound.
"I don't-" he sighs, giving up and accepting your help. You smiled.

You two arrived at the camp. It completely fell silent. Every boy stopped what he was doing and stared at you helping their leader.
They haven't seen a girl in ages, it was weird for them to see one, helping their leader.
You helped him to sit down on a log. "How did that happen?" You asked looking at the wound.
It were three pretty deep cuts. "Those bitches cut me."
You chuckled at his respond. He first looked confused but then chuckled as well.

Some boys gave you supplies to help him clean and take care of the wound. "That will do good, you need to rest."
He looked up at you irritated. "I'll rest when I want to." He said clearly pissed off.
All the boys watched with attention. "I said, you need to rest. It's for your own health mr. I'm a stubborn boy." You crossed your arms not letting him win.

All the boys said thing like "oooh!!!" And "damn!" It made you feel comfortable and strong. Pan was now smirking. "You've got fire, I like fire." "And you've got a problem if you don't go to bed now." You said sternly as if you were a mom. "Fine." He said against his will.
He stood up, you helped again.

It's been a few weeks ago since you've got here. Pan had welcomed you in his camp but only with rules.
Rule one, do everything he tells you to do.
Rule two, don't disobey him or there'll be consequences.
Rule three, never try to leave the camp or island without his permission.
Rule four, don't flirt with the boys.
Rule five, don't kiss any boy.
And the strictest rule.
Rule six, don't fuck any of the boys!
Yeah, easy to follow right? Ha. You thought so.
They were all so handsome and attractive, and they wanted you too. But you obeyed your leader.

You've been taking care of him these weeks, just like now. "It's almost fully healed." You smiles as well did he.
You would be lying if you said that there wasn't chemistry between you two. You sat down on his bed. No one was allowed in his tent except you and his second in command.

Out of no where her took your hand. You looked at him confused.
There was a big dark pink blush to be found on your cheeks. Your heart beats fast, really fast.
"What are you-" before you could finish your sentence he pulled you to him crashing his lips on yours.

After a full minute you both pulled away. "I've never thanked you for taking care of me." You blushed. "Thank you Y/N, really." He smiled.
"No problem, anything for my best friend to heal right?" You chuckled but he didn't.
He looked serious. "Best friends?" He asked, he sounded hurt. "Yeah, that's what we are, right?" You asked confused.
"I thought we were more, Come on Y/N you know there's more between us." He looked sad now, he was scared you didn't feel the same way.

"Really? You really thought that? I thought you didn't like me, I thought you-" he cuts you off by kissing you again. You kissed back, your and his lips danced with each other as if they were ment for each other.
He pulled away resting his forehead against yours. "I don't like you, I love you."
Your heart stopped for a bit. You smiled big. "I love you too." He smiled. "So, how about changing that best friends thing into, being my queen?"

"I'd love to." You smiled. He pulled you back into a kiss, god you love his way of a thank you.

You love this boy, and you can be with him forever. You two will rule over Neverland. A dream coming true.

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