little swing | peter pan

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| Based on the song: Little Swing by: AronChupa |

It was another day on the island.

The sun shone high above the trees, they blocked most of the sun rays but let a few slip through.

You were the only girl for decades, but since a few weeks ago there was another girl on the island.

Wendy Darling, god you hated her. She was only here for a few days and she already thought she runs the place.

She thinks she's the leader which she's not, Pan is the leader of the Lost Boys, everyone knows that. She just keeps acting as if they are a thing, and they are not.

The worst thing was that she thought she could tell you what to do, she made you clean, cook and do all the stuff she is supposed to do.

God you hated her.

But you weren't the only one, everyone hated her.

''why don't you just bring her back, we all hate her and so do you.'' You said for the hundreds time to the king of Neverland.

''no Y/N she's here for a reason.'' He said cold. ''and that is? Telling everyone what to do and pretending that you two are a thing?'' ''no, a different reason, you'll find out soon enough.''

With that he left leaving you confused and irritated.

The place he used to sit next to you was quickly replaced by your best friend.

He helped you a lot during the first week on the island. He learned you to hunt and how to make fire, and he was also the person who knew the reason why Wendy was there as well.

You opened your mouth to speak but he didn't let you.

''I'm not gonna tell the reason.'' He chuckled.

You sighed irritated.

''you're the worst friend ever Felix.'' ''yeah believe it yourself, talking of her, there she is.''

Wendy walked out of her tent in a straight line towards you.

''good luck with that.'' Felix said as he stood up. ''wait-'' you said but he already walked away.

''Y/N? have you already done my laundry?'' she asked crossing her arm as if she was a mad mother because her kid got too late home from a party.

''no, I had more important things to do-'' she cuts you off.

''what? Like talking to your friends? That's not important at all neither are you but ookay, go wash my laundry now!'' she demanded you.

You sighed and turned your back to her. ''if you say so miss I pretend to be the boss.'' You wanted to leave but she took your wrist.

''what did you say?'' she asked. ''I said 'if you say so miss I pretend to be the boss'.'' You pulled your hand away causing her to loose grip on you.

''how dare you? Peter did you hear that?'' she looked at the true leader of the Lost Boys.

''yes I did and for the hundreds time do not call me Peter.'' He said uninterested causing you to chuckle. Wendy's head turned back to you. ''shut up you brat!'' she spatted.

You looked surprised. ''says the brat herself.'' You spatted back.

It became silent in the camp, all the attention was pointed to you two.

''if you call me brat one more time I swear I'll hit you!'' you hissed to her.

''so what? Now I gotta be scared?'' she laughed. ''you're such a little kid you know.''

''oh yeah? Am i?'' you crossed your arms.

''yes, you're worthless.'' She said pushing you.

It made you so angry, those words were like hell to you. You heard them so many times in your past life before you got here.

It was the reason you got here, you felt worthless, as if you weren't good enough.

''it ain't no big thing!'' a boy yelled. ''just show her a little swing!'' another one yelled.

And that's what you did, you cracked your knuckles before smashing your fist against her head.

Damn that felt good, you wanted to do that ever since she got here.

She fell on the ground, you knocked her out.

It as silent for a minute but after everyone stated to cheer for you.

''I knew it was you.'' Pan said making you confused. ''bring her back to where she belongs, bring her back home.'' He said to the two boys who were carrying Wendy's body away.

''wait what?'' you asked clearly not getting what was going on.

''let me explain, the reason she was here was to make sure you're the one.''

''the one? Pan what are you talking about? Is this one of your games again?'' you said clearly not impressed. He chuckled shortly.

''I needed, well actually wanted a person to help me run the island.'' ''but you already have, you have Felix...'' your mind was sleeping or something because you didn't get anything of what he was saying.

''what I mean is that I wanted a queen.'' Then the realization hit you.

''oh...'' was all you could say.

''so what do you think? Wanna help me run the island?'' he asked approaching you.

He didn't have to ask that a second time.

''yes!'' you almost shouted.

He chuckled. ''great.'' He smiled before soflty placing his lips on yours.

With no hesitation you kissed back.

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